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About speckchaser

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  1. After looking at all the pictures and some of my own I am sure that it isn't a brookie, and it sure ain't a laker so that only leaves a splake. The post about the tail is correct. It isn't square and it isn't fully forked like a laker so another vote for the splake. Soooooooo theres my 2 cents.... I think its a splake.
  2. Working for Honda, the '01 to '05 Civics tear the bushings out. We charge 2 hours per side plus alignment. So for a Honda it would be $400 + $50 for bushing and $99.95 for the alignment
  3. As with many others here I never had the pleasure to meet Shane in person. I used to go throgh all the posts on the Simcoe board to see what he was catching and possibly where he was catching them. I had the oppoutunity to add Shane on my Yahoo friends list and I would send him messages whenever I saw that his I.D.was lit up. They went unanswered for the most part, but then on night he replied back. We chatted for about an hour telling fishing stories,(his were way better than mine),he finally told me he was tired and needed to sleep to build up some strenght to fight the illness.As we were signing off he told me to stop by and we would hit the lake amd do some fishing. I truely regret not being able to make time this summer for that outing. RIP Shane, it was good to know you even in our limited way.......FISH ON!!!!!!
  4. Well if Tracker and I join you Skeeter some one might be out in the cold... only got a 2 man portable. I should set it up and see if the mice have made it air conditioned like the previous one I had.So you and Tracker gonna do rock,paper,scissors, for the second chair...lol
  5. just the odd trip to Simcoe. Sometimes go up to the Haliburton area for a weekend with some of the guys or the wife if she wants to go...lol
  6. Ah well Hawg theres always a way around things. Like having certain friends with boats closer than mine,(wintering in the Haliburton area),hmmm Skeeter comes to mind..lol. But if the weather holds the 12 ft. will get some use before the hard water comes along. And to Leechman I don't hunt, but I know some guys that are going up for a week and I may run up about mid week and fish as they hunt.
  7. It was a sad sad day for me. Got up early loaded the wife in the truck off we went to put the boat away till next season. I didn't even load any rods or tackle in the truck,(figured it was better to go cold turkey), thought about taking the Minn Kota but then decided it was just a day trip. So the boat is now ready to sit under its blanket of winter snow, just waiting to be released to splash and bump along the water in the spring. But as I said in a previous post, there is always the 12ft. should the urge get to great. Well hope you all have a great time in what ever time you have left in your fishing season
  8. now thats getting it frosty...lol
  9. Lol Don you don't have your mother in law living with you...lol and I know i will use the 12f.t. untill there is ice on the shore...lol
  10. Winterize... take the battery out, fog the motor, change the lower end oil, and put some fuel stabilizer in the tank, just some stuff that i normally do
  11. Have had my boat since '92 (15.5' Sylvan Seamonster with at 40H.P.) kept it in my dads driveway for the first 7 years,this being a necessity because of apartment living. Had easy access to it and could go out went ever I liked. Then I was able to keep it the Haliburton area at the place we spend most of our fishing time. Bought a house in '03 but no garage and a lot of work to keep it in the yard, so it still resides in the Haliburton area. But damn I wish it was closer....lol. Would love to be able to hook it up and just go like the old days. But then again its older now and rides on a roller trailer, and have had to gut it once already to tighten up 4 rivets. So travelling it 250-300 km's on a weekend has made me decide to keep it there. But now comes the time to go up and winterize it and tarp it up for another year because there will be less time to get up and go out. But I refuse to put my 12f.t. on top of it this year when it tarp it. Did that last year and we had the warmest fall ever. So this year I might even try flatlining for lakers in the 12f.t. with my Minn Kota...should be interesting if the wind kicks up. Might even talk Skeeter into going...lol might need some more muscle to paddle it to shore in the wind. So this was just me ranting about the lack of time i give myself to get out and use the boat to fish...lol . But hopefuuly next year I will allow myself more time to relax and chase the those trout (my species of choice) or anything else that will take my bait. Heres to the hard water season may it come early and stay just long enough to cure everyones cabin fever and then get on with the open water in '09..
  12. Funny thing I have used Helicoils for years in the autmotive industry, and have never had a problem with them. We have used them in sparkplug holes , brake caliper hold down brackets, oilpans , pretty much anywhere you use a fastener. So yes I guess they aren't the way to go in fixing things, "hack fix" I believe the term was.
  13. Funny thing I have used Helicoils for years in the autmotive industry, and have never had a problem with them. We have used them in sparkplug holes , brake caliper hold down brackets, oilpans , pretty much anywhere you use a fastener. So yes I guess they aren't the way to go in fixing things, "Hack Job " I believe the term was.
  14. Well come to the board hope you have a great experience here.
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