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Posts posted by adempsey

  1. Bottom bouncer and slip bobber rigs would also work. I really like Lindy Rigs, but I find that the fish tend to swallow the hook more often. It's fine if you want to keep them, but if you get to the point where you are catching a lot of fish and have to release them other methods might be better.


    Hook the leech through its mouth. Their skin is pretty tough, so you only really need to pass the hook through once.


    I find using aLeech Tamer to hold them in is handy as well.

  2. I am going on a drive-to fishing trip for a week and am in charge of the food menu this year. I'd like to pre-prep and/or pre-cook as many dinners as I can. Anything I can freeze ahead would be great. I am guessing things like lasagna, chilli, meatloaf would be good choices. Also, anything that is good for multiple meals would be good too. I know spiral-cut ham is popular since it is good for all meals.


    So, what is the one dinner item that you never forget to bring to your trips each year? Recipes would be great too.



  3. I stayed in Wolseley Bay for a weekender in the fall of 2009. The weather wasn't great and the fishing was a bit slow, but it's a wonderful body of water. My buddy has been going camping in the fall for many years in the Hartley Bay area. He always has a good time and manages to catch some nice fish.


    My next trip to the French River will be to the French River Lodge. My buddy canoes by it all the time when he camps out there and we've been talking about staying at this lodge for a while now - so hopefully it will happen this year. French River PP is a truly beautiful place for it's location.

  4. I'd also recommend Rice Lake.


    Muskie Bay Resort - Nice place, well maintained, good prices, great rental boats, small restaurant on site, outdoor pool.

    Elmhirst's Resort - Very nice cottages, restaurants on site, a bit expensive, mediocre rental boats, indoor and outdoor pool.

    Golden Beach Resort - Large resort, many families, rental boats are ok, price is average, the more expensive cottages are much nicer, outdoor pool.


    Rice lake has many other places as well.


    So far, I have found that most of the resorts at the other Kawartha lakes aren't as nice as those on Rice Lake, but obviously I haven't been to them all.

  5. If you can, I would just challenge it. It sounds like it's a first offence and maybe you'll come out for the better as a result. It can't get worse besides the potential time away from work. Honestly, I don't think you purposely were trying to break the law and what you were doing seems logical to most people. Unfortunately these types of laws are in place because there are people who would take advantage of it - give fish to each of their family members etc to "reset" their limit. At least the CO didn't confiscate your gear. Good luck!

  6. Reserved a spot on Emily PP. The only thing I didn't like about Golden beach was: " We are happy to take requests on sites but unfortunately unable to guarantee a site until arrival."


    Personally, I found Golden Beach way too busy. I would have suggested anywhere else with a campground instead. Not that it makes any difference now =) Hope you have a good time on Pigeon Lake. The lake is relatively shallow at that end so you may have to travel up the lake a bit, but it's been some time since I was there in May so I am not sure where the Walleye will be holding.

  7. Many of the resorts have camp sites. You can check here: http://www.ricelakecanada.com/amenities.htm and this one http://www.islandspiritsricelake.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=26&Itemid=76


    Personally I prefer Pigeon Lake for fishing. Emily Provincial Park is at the south end of the lake, although I never really ventured down that far south. I am sure a lot of resorts on Pigeon also have camp sites.


    Here is a map showing some parks and conservation areas: http://www.gpaedc.on.ca/pdf/resources-maps/peterborough-county-map.pdf

  8. Those are three fairly major cities in the country (5th, 9th and 17th largest cities in Canada by population) and they don't have much competition. It makes sense to me, but would really love one near me as well. They also sell a lot more than fishing gear, which is an important consideration. I'd be just as happy if I could order from them online using the US catalogue.

  9. They aren't really designed for it, but why not just try it? What size are you using? The 3" ones might be a better choice, but I don't see why you couldn't do it with a 4" Senko. You might just have to impart a bit more action in it. It's a finesse technique, so the plastics designed for this type of fishing are probably more appropriate. It doesn't mean that a Senko won't work. Heck, it might even work amazingly well. I use the Yum, Zoom and Yamamoto finesse baits for this myself.

  10. Never lived there but was there for a week two times about 10 years ago. Things have changed A LOT in the past 10 years though, even my buddy that is from there says it's nothing like it used to be. Honestly, it will really depend on where they are going. The big cities are just like any big city here, but there are a lot of new improvements. Still a culture shock for sure. Many people speak some English. I wouldn't worry about the food, there are enough American type restaurants around if they really don't like the local cuisine.


    Regardless, I can say that I don't think I would like to settle there, 6 months to 1 year would be OK though. The kids might have some big adjustments when it comes to schooling too. I am not sure if there are any "American" type schools, but from my understanding Chinese schools are pretty hardcore.


    Best of luck to them though!

  11. Your wife might want some new doors to replace the ones you took off and sold? Lol =)


    It's amazing what you can sell. It's always a good idea to take a look at what your workplace is throwing out. Some workmates have made some good $$ salvaging parts to sell on those sites.

  12. Their prices were always high. I tend to make any large purchases from Le Baron, but unfortunately they also started raising their prices a couple of years ago. Le Baron is still cheaper for the most part. Of course, I always have to shop around since no one place carries everything I look for.

  13. I was at BPS this morning as well. I went for the daily specials last year and never saw the feeding frenzy I saw today. It was crazy, lol! Of course, I stopped by CT on my way home and picked up some stuff and the same spinnerbaits were $10 there.


    I was wondering, which ones are the best quality? T-1, T-2 or SS??? I grabbed all T-1's since I thought these were the more expensive of the three.



    One of the best camps I know that really caters to families is Happy Day Lodge on Windermere lake near Chapleau. Only problem is they're most likely booked.






    This lodge seems to have a serious repeat business so it's hard to find an opening during the prime times. Always worth a call though because you never know and people do cancel. As an aside, the owners recently finalized purchase of Prairie Bee Camps which is also in the Chapleau region on Prairie Bee Lake. Unfortunately I have not been to either camp but Prairie Bee has also been recommended to me in the past. Worth a look anyway.

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