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Pete Maina

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Posts posted by Pete Maina

  1. HI,


    Had to stop in here to check to see what else may have happened. :whistling:


    Bunk, it's just the clothes that make me look skinny. I'm not so sure on the commercial deal ... as the lady sez, the dress would have to go, I think. Now, a more masculine kilt maybe (I know Thorpie has got a couple he wears around the house).


    Who's this Pierre guy?

  2. Some good stuff here. I really like the Lakewood boxes and kinda use them like added deck in the boat (nice feature that you can walk/stand on them). Saw neat idea a while ago as had a guy post a good idea on site and unfortunately don't have photos, but if you're familiar with those foam swimming-noodle-thingies ... this guy attached them under gunnels on the inside of his boat for hanging baits. It looked like a great system to me for baits used during the day, when switching back-n-forth, rather than having the big pile or putting them back in the box right away wet.



  3. Ha ha ... so that's TJ's tutu?


    So, Roy, where's this original for comparison?


    Actually, all-together, a pretty good-lookin' outfit. Anyone think it might scare muskies?


    And TJ, if you can send me that dress of yours (fast-mail), I could use it turkey hunting next week. Seems to me it would be better than camo.



  4. HI all,


    I couldn't help but notice this thread. This is very important stuff. For those of us who are very avid anglers, we likely never consider folks just not knowing what species they are dealing with. With a critter as long density as muskie, this becomes increasingly important.


    As fishing pressure on all species increases, issues like this and proper handling of fish become increasingly important for all species.



  5. HI,


    Just got a note from Jennifer that she put this up here. :clapping:


    I need her help with stuff like that cuz I'm a computer dope. (Years ago I had to read the instructions with my first pair of oars ... with help, I figured it out ... got darn good at it too.)


    Anyway, yeah, I really thought you Canucks would all like to see my new look. These pics are from spring raking, of course, but I'm thinking be good boat attire too :thumbsup_anim:


    It would require 8 beers Terry? Ha ... I did it sober with no problem. Darn good-lookin' hat I think.


    Not certain if that guy can catch fish or not ... we'll have to see :Gonefishing:



  6. Hi all,


    Appreciate the comments and correspondence today from folks here ... pics, pics, pics ... OK, I'll try to remember ... had some good laughs.


    No sweat Smokey ...


    Doug offered that I spelled Saskatchewon, 'er, there's no "O" there ... sorry SaskatchewAn folks, for the mess up. We'll leave it that way and see if anyone else notices ...


    Musta been that rocking fishin' tune and ... :wallbash:


    Well, sadly, to Minneapolis for meetings tomorrow and Green Bay next day for seminars ... you Canucks be good! :clapping:

  7. You Canucks are too much ... Loonies, Toonies ... correct change :whistling:


    FYI Smokey that Gillespie's show doesn't air on WFN, sadly ... just The Next Bite. Hope folks are continuing to enjoy that.


    Dood, "metro-gay-sorta" ... I think I will stay old school and risk being called a liar :clapping:



  8. Glad you're liking the tune. Yeah, a little lift on a cold, blustery day - that gets you thinking fishing is a good thing. Of course, if it gets you to swat your head :wallbash: - so much the better to keep you awake.


    Yeah, I guess I may have earned my long hair and the Frampton jokes ... all in good fun Crazyhook.



  9. Ha! She was cranked eh? :clapping: ... well give it a few more rounds and all the stuffiness will be knocked right out of 'em.


    You know, that's a good idea Roy ... we gotta merge Gillespie and Schramband ... the muskie stomp.


    It does kinda make you wanna drive fast in something. Oh yeah, and head bang too



  10. HI,


    Boy, rough crowd around here ... didn't know you Canucks were all this skeptical.


    How ya doing Lew? ... good to hear from you. Of course you too Bunk and all. The show actually just aired ... so, ha ha :whistling: ... for all you doubters, there are some folks who have actually "seen" what we caught.


    As far as pics, I have a couple issues there. First, I'm a complete computer dope, and not even remotely certain I could post a pic if I had one. Computers and me, well :wallbash:


    The other problem is currently don't have any. I did take some stills of Rob's big one, and got some nice shots, but it was the old-fashioned slide film. I just got it back and will be getting it out to our production guy at the magazine ... and possibly after a while can get some scans. It really was a pretty fish.


    Anyway, I think I'll be stepping (somewhat ... and grudgingly) into the new millenium and getting a digital camera for this coming year :rolleyes:



  11. HI,


    One other thing I had to mention here. I know TJ listened to the song this morning and he said helped wake him up. In fact, I think he got a little out of control and destroyed a section of his house listening. :stretcher:


    So, I have a new buddy I've connected with I thought I should tell everyone about ... especially since there's been all this teasing on here in the past about Peter Frampton and all. Must be the long hair, I guess. Anyway, while I can't play or sing a lick, even at my more advanced age, I'm still a rocker-type at heart and like the music loud at times ... eh? :clapping:


    SO, a young guy who is truly a very talented rocker - from Detroit (Rock City) - is also a fishing guy and loves muskies and muskie fishing. Anyway, we hit it off ... a rocker-dude who fishes muskies has got to be a good guy.


    Anyway, his name is Brian Schram ... he and his Schramband did a fishing song called "Now We're Fishing" ... you have to check it out. It just may be a little more "energetic" than some of you like, but give it a listen and let me know your thoughts. We've (Jennifer) put the song up on my personal website http://www.petemaina.com/ so you can just click there and give a listen. Check out the band's site too for latest video.



    (Hey Thorpie ... you're gonna love it :clapping: )



  12. Hi OFNers,


    Just thought I'd pop in here and say hi. Is everyone enjoying spring? Beautiful, eh? :whistling: Where's all the global warming?


    I expect many of you are like me in that you are in the transition mode between ice and open water. I spoke with your feerless leader here, TJ, this morning ... was telling him about my final ice fishing trip of the year in Saskatchewon. Great group of Canucks there ... they say (EH) a whole bunch there ... so I'm still saying eh ... eh? :thumbsup_anim:


    We were on Tobin Lake in Saskatchewon, with John Gillespie's TV show (some of you know of it). Still plenty of ice there, as an auger extension was still necessary. We had a great time and caught some real nice northern pike. The biggest was a 45 1/2 inch fish with a great build, that Rob Manthei, good friend and one of our writers at the magazine got. First day was real good and then fishing got a little tougher, coupled with some bad luck, it seemed, hooking fish (which I expect was simply because fish were pretty "off" and not grabbing baits well). We had a great trip though ... I even got a fish on one of my 9 foot muskie rods ... pretty funny.


    Well, I expect it will thaw out soon ... and we'll be :Gonefishing:



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