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About Peter63

  • Birthday 12/31/1963

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  1. Looking to find a Frabill Power Catch Big Game 8425 Musky net. Have a brand new 8450 Big Kahuna to either trade or sell.
  2. Thanks for the advice guys. I think we always spend too much time in the Bays in the past. Moon River Bay, Blackstone, Woods Bay, North Channel etc.. (Probably because its a little more protected from the wind and waves) ..... sounds like it's time to get a bit closer to the open water where they're chasing the game fish. Did the upgrade on the net so no excuses anymore. Will be a great time no matter what but hopefully a change in tactics will make it even better. Thanks
  3. Heading out on our Fall Muskie trip. This will be our 4th trip to Woods Bay area. If the other 3 are any indication, it might be a slow few days. Had some small success last year on the troll and if it weren't for a seriously undersized net, might have actually boated it... but still fun. Just haven't been able to dial in what works best. Trolling or casting. Heading out to the open waters or going up the north channel? Any suggestions would be welcome. Regards, Peter63
  4. For all those eagerly awaiting the solution to my problem, I figured I would update my original post to show the repair. All good. Hi All, This may be an old topic, but I am looking for advice on how to repair a broken rod. (Not the Tip- mid blank). I'm assuming I need to use a ferrule splice and then epoxy it in? Any better solutions? Any idea where to buy the ferrules?
  5. Thanks for all the good feedback everyone. I think I will go ahead with the Dealer supplied cover. What the heck. In for a penny, in for a pound. I would hate to cheap out on the cover only to realize I want it later and have to pay full price.
  6. Hi All, I recently picked up a Legend 16 XGS and want to get a boat cover for it but don't want to pay for the Ĺegend Boat cover from the dealer. Even with the Dealer giving me a deal, we are talking $500. (REGULAR $800?). Does anyone have experience with either Attwood or Taylor Made? Do they fit Deep V Side Consoles okay? Even these run about $350. Is there a better alternative out there that I am mising?
  7. I don't want to rehash previous discussions, but it seems it's been a while since anyone has posted feedback on the fishing of these Lakes. Heading up there late June and wondering if anyone has recent experience on either of these Lakes or can recommend which one we should be focusing our efforts on. Looking for Bass primarily, but not opposed to catching a nice Pike or some Pickeral.
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