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big bass 444

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About big bass 444

  • Birthday 02/17/1973

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    Sport fishing!

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  1. Montreal was fun as always!!...lot's of people this year and the feedbacks were just great on the rods and the new ''Fighter'' reel!....Fishingstuff @ ICAST for 2012??!....would be a blast for sure! Now!,,,bring on open water please! Yan
  2. I have the privilege to work with Loic and all the guys at Fishingstuff and it`s just lot`s of fun!!!...a great family with a great product. I am mainly using the bass rods (Flip`N`Pitch) (Bass pro series) and the (Soft bait elite). I sometime get feedbacks about the 2 piece issues with the bass rods but I believe that this is priorly a mather of taste. All Fishingstuff bass rods exceed all standards not only with the warranty they offer but also with the specific applications each one of them where design for. I invite you to try them if you have the chance! Yan.
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