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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Looks like I need to work on my back ground shots. :whistling: Seems a couple of members found me this morning. :dunno::D


    Nice to see you Mike (MJL) and Anthony (FROZEN FIRE). Tough fish today for sure.


    Brian I have a crystsal ball and today I asked it, "where can I go to grease Brian out of his drift"...And it worked :D


    The fishing was only tough if you didn't have the secret bait or the secret lure ;)


    Great to share a drift with you again :)

  2. I've been catching chinooks and browns off the piers since the middle of July at various locations along the North Shore of Lake O. It's been a weird year for me with no real consistency - It's definitely been an up and down type of season for me with temperatures and wind playing a huge role. With a lack of rain and colder temps, the piers (or out in the lake) will be the place to be until the next big downpour.


    At this point in the season, pretty much all piers and harbours should have fish mingling around. We had a massive run of fish moving up the rivers 2 weeks ago. Since then, they've primarily been stacking up at the mouths. There's still plenty of fish out in the lake to be caught.


    My friend and I hit up a local pier last night to check out the super moon and do some fishing. Couldn't see the super moon through the clouds but I did land 1 chinny - It made for a great birthday gift with no other anglers around. Granted, we fished till 1am and I only got a few hours of sleep before having to go to work...Still worth it IMO.LOL

  3. I used to fish Frenchman’s bay a lot when I was a kid. I’ve caught (in no particular order): pike, carp, bass, shad, bullheads, bowfin, crappies, perch, rockbass, chinook salmon, brown trout. When the hatchery was still operating, we would get a good number of rainbow trout in winter & spring. Even seen the odd walleye and lake trout caught late in the season at the gap. It’s been years since I fished it and I’m not sure what the fishing is like now. If you’re local, it’s a no-brainer to give it a shot.

  4. I fish alone most of the time. The only time I don't is when I'm fishing steelhead water where heavy current or sketchy wading might be involved.


    I'm indifferent when it comes to fishing alone or with others. For me, fishing with others is primarily a function of whenever my work/free time schedule jives with others'. When I fish alone, I fish wherever and whenever I want. I've been known to hit the steelhead and trout rivers at 6am and end at 11pm.


    Taking fishing selfies does require some creative planning and additional gear though.LOL

  5. Give it a shot. You never know what can be lurking around the piers during the summer. In the past I've caught chrome chinooks and browns off various piers and beaches in mid-July. You just have to keep an eye on the winds and water temps. When you see a group of big browns busting baitfish on the surface with no one else around, that really gets the heart pumping :D


    When the salmon and trout are well off-shore, there are other opportunities like sheepshead, smallies, white bass and pike that hang around the same piers. They often hit the same lures you use for salmon and trout.

  6. Fantastic pics!


    I've been eyeing some of Samsung's offerings for quite some time and the recent reviews all seem favourable.


    For mirrorless cameras, I can't really see the need for a super heavy duty tripod...With that said, after using a carbon fiber Manfrotto tripod the last 4 years, it's hard to go back to anything else...You know you want one :D

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