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Posts posted by MJL

  1. That's a nasty burn for sure...Can't help but feel for her. A couple years ago my friend went to Morocco to fish for carp. Shirt-less, without sunscreen and without a hat...He was side-lined from doing anything for about a month.LOL


    For all the days I'm out on the water fishing, I take sun-protection very seriously.

  2. Beautiful! Stunning pics...Really digging the underwater shots :thumbsup_anim:


    Just wondering what kind of fly outfit (length? weight?) you're running for those small streams? I'm currently thinking of building myself 2 small stream fly rods just for creeks like that (and bigger) for next spring. Just haven't decided on what I would need. Everything fly fishing I own is geared towards steelhead



  3. Awesome thread…I too am also on a quest for redemption.


    I’ve also tried just about everything you tried except for the Mepps Syclops. So far the only things I’ve been getting resident browns on are spinners and worms with the odd one coming to roe (accidental catch when I’m fishing for steelhead). I’ve tried my collection of Kwikfish & Flatfish, smaller Rapalas and various streamer flies.


    Some things I’m planning to try (mind you there are no rules against live bait or the use of treble hooks where I fish):


    - Top water bass lures (to simulate mice and frogs)…I have a few Rapala skitter pops so I may try those.


    - Drifting medium sized shiners below a float or bottom bouncing them


    - I’ve read that big browns drop their guard when there’s a hatch of giant mayflies – Hexagenia Limbata (I’m not sure if the river I fish has them or not)…Or wait for a hatch of grasshoppers later in summer and break out the fly gear…After Sunday night, I’m sure my 8wt isn’t too heavy for some of the fish lurking in the river :w00t:


    In any case, I’ll be returning at night…My big browns (almost all migratories off the pier or estuary) as well as some of the bigger resident fish I’ve hooked into came at night. Hopefully before this weekend, I can pick up a bigger net.LOL


    I'll also be tying up some hair mice on the vice sometime this week if I have time to spin them :D

  4. Where can you even buy bear spray? I thought it was illegal to carry Pepper Spray, along with any other thing used in the protection of ones self?


    From what I remember hearing in law class (one of the few times I actually was paying attention), ‘bear spray’ is legal in Ontario with the provision that it’s not to be used against people. I remember reading that one store requires purchasers to sign a waiver that they will only use the product against animals and not people. I believe Lebarons either sells (or used to sell) bear spray. ‘Pepper spray’ on the other hand (the stuff police use) is considered a prohibited weapon.


    I have 2 friends who were guides in Bristol Bay, Alaska (now near Unalakleet I believe) and from what they tell me, bear spray is “da bomb diggity!” They also had success with a few ‘dog-sprays’ as well (used for spraying rabid dogs in the eyes) when they had bears chewing up their inflatable raft.

  5. Guys I hope you will not get too mad at my reply. But as a land owner with river and pond frontage I have been forced to post my land [No Tresspassing] because of these type of persons.They leave trash to no end and some run away when they see me comeing or if they have been drinking they become arguemenative. At one time I allowed person's access to my land if they let me know. But after a while their buddies found out and it became a total nightmare.


    Tons of landowners have done the same...I don’t blame them…I lost a good spot on the Ganny when the farmer got pissed at the garbage left over from opener…I helped him pick up the trash each year but he got sick of it all and posted it. It also didn’t help that people used his fence posts for firewood…


    I’ve always tried to keep excellent relations with the land owners who allowed me to fish their property by writing out personal contracts stating that I won’t litter or set their trees on fire – They also sometimes get a cheap bottle of wine…I also have a clause for my dad to join.


    I’ve only ever had one minor incident with a landowner…But it wasn’t garbage related (it wasn't entirely my fault either)…Something to do with one of the farmer's daughters…I don’t go back there anymore…At least not to fish… :whistling:

  6. I never really understood the people who pulled over at the side of the road to toss their timmies cups. Or those guys you see with ancient line on their reels stripping it off and dumping it in the bushes when their car and the trash can was right behind them…Whatever I take in, I take out.


    A number of the steelhead rivers I fish can be dumps (especially in the fall)…That’s just the nature of the anglers who fish close to larger urban centers…I don’t complain about it - It’s pointless…I just do what I can to make it a better place when I leave…It’s also good for karma B)




    So far this year, I’ve been fishing trash-free stretches of rivers for the most part and I’m loving it :thumbsup_anim:

  7. Thanks guys...With carp spawning at my local swims, I may give the trout thing 1 more shot next weekend...Hopefully I'll be able to stock up on those Thermacell and insect defend patch thingies before I wander around the forests again. I thought I was witnessing a hatch of daddy-long legs...Until they started sucking my blood...


    I must exact revenge to the biggun that violated me last night!

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