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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Ever sleep 10ft away from a chain-saw going at max revs? I sure did...His name was Cliff :whistling:


    Getting your feet licked at 2am by an obviously hungry dog is not cool :(


    Having 6lb Maxima UG part like thread and getting smoked by fish back-flipping and steaming down river...Demoralizing :wallbash:


    With that said, it was an AWESOME weekend and I'm looking forward to my next trip back :thumbsup_anim:

  2. Well done Devon. Great to meet you this weekend.


    Here's another pic of that sweet hen




    Way to go Devon. I'm hearing about your success from here in Quebec....you're getting famous. I see ChrisK's rod in the background there with a big 5 of Diamonds spoon on it. Maybe you should have a word with him about that eh? :)


    That's a Kwikfish Roy :)

  3. Jen's blog post from last Tuesday the 18th. Some of it sure makes you think..


    During the past year, I’ve learned that no matter how bad things get, or how crappy you feel, there’s always another person out there who’s dealing with something 10X worse. I haven’t met Jen in person before but she was my inspiration to get through my own troubles...She’s my hero :)

  4. And ChrisK to chuck'em, and ChrisG to tell ChrisK where to chuck'em....Mike, your job is to fight them into Cliff's waiting net...wait, timeout! We need a cameraman! :D


    No Roy...Cliff will be there for 2 reasons


    A. When I fish with him and a hungry black bear comes, Cliff will be the one that gets eaten because he runs slower


    B. If we get to the river and the conditions are bad, we’ll have to appease the river gods by offering Cliff as a temporary sacrifice...Duct taping him to a tree for the weekend should work.


    I know Cliff is a team player and there’s no one more honorable than him to accept both roles :thumbsup_anim:

  5. Just seems when the cash is around i'm working and no real time for projects and when I'm not working there is no cash flow and still tough to get the projects done.


    We can easily express this in the form of a very popular mathematical equation where:


    Time = Money (or Time is Money)


    If we however bring money over to the left side of the equation with time, we get


    Time – Money = 0


    0 represents the benefit of having free time and negative money (or bills to pay). In this case, there isn't


    It’s impossible to get free time & money working harmoniously together unless you factor in additional functions such as: Vegas, lottery, possibly sketchy occupations involving highly illegal activities :whistling:


    Best of luck Skinny...Hang in there and do what you gotta do :good:

  6. You know as long as I've been fishing trout I've heard that said.


    Never once has the shine of a reel spooked any steelhead I've encountered.


    I could see the merit if you're fly fishing a tiny spring creek and have to crawl on your belly on your approach and cast blindly to the fish. Otherwise... :dunno:


    Perhaps this could be an episode of myth busters.


    That’s because they saw the reel miles away and already knew you were coming :P


    My matt black Angspecs are coated with the same finish used on stealth aircraft and are impervious to steelhead radar above and below water :ninja:. The reels don’t exist to steelhead until they’ve been captured, unhooked and had their pictures taken with the reel lying next to them in the water :D


    My name is Misfish,and Im a reborn river fishing junkie. :rofl2:


    I thought your name was Brian :lol:


    This fall I’ll be setting up a support group called Anadromous Anonymous...Created for anglers with a severe case of chrome fever...It involves you giving me all your spots and then fishing them while you’re at home admitting that you have a problem :D


    I don't mind catching all the fish that would've tempted you to feed your addiction...That's what good friends are for :good:

  8. C'mon guys, there's no way this guy is for real.


    You’d be surprised what people post on the internet. In the last couple of years people have:


    - posted pictures of themselves catching tons of fish from out of season sanctuaries and bragging about it...Only after did they realize they just incriminated themselves :rofl2:


    - promoted the fact that they line spawning fish off redds for the sole purpose of posting hero shots on message boards.


    The fact is you don’t require a license or an IQ test to access the internet

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