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Posts posted by MJL

  1. I’ve only perused that site a few times but there are a number of things I just don’t get.


    I never really understood the concept of having to pay an annual fee to promote a tackle company’s products? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Surely if you wanted a free spool of power pro or a few boxes of Salmo lures, you could’ve just spent your registration fee $ at the local tackle shop instead. Or instead of putting $50 into NPS, why not donate to an organization like CRAA, Nottawasaga Steelheaders, MEA or the like or even joining a fishing club (like the Scarborough casting club or a bass fishing club) and make personal connections that way?


    All the people I know who tried to pro-staff various products ended up spamming online message boards. At the end of it all, no one really cared for the products or the person. If you’re already a sponsored individual and you post reports on NPS about how great their products are, who are you actually promoting to?


    What exactly are pro-staffers supposed to do when they are picked up by a company? On a resume, what would you actually put for a job description?


    It's an interesting business concept.



  2. Thanks guys. Glad you enjoyed the pictures :)


    The last few weeks I've been feeling great (pretty much back to feeling like normal again aside from my sense of taste - besides sour & spicy I really can't taste anything else except for cheese). Yay for poutine :D


    Rank with some of the best I've seen. What are you using for gear? Wow.


    Thanks SB22. I used 2 cameras for the pictures in this report


    Above water:

    - Canon t3i +17-50mm f/2.8 lens - it's a fairly light combo (as far as DSLRs go) that I can wear around my neck and tuck inside the top of my waders when I'm hiking through the bush. Maybe one day I'll invest in a micro 4/3 or mirrorless system that fits in a pocket much better.



    - Canon 7D + 8-15mm F/4 fisheye lens inside an aquatech surf housing + dome port.





    I can see I need to trade in my old camera guy in for a new one. LOL


    Them there are some purdy fish Mike.





    The best camera is the one that's on you. haha. You can bring it next time we fish together :)


    Although if you really want to upgrade, you can send me your credit card info and I can put together a camera package that will never become obsolete...It will cost $9,000 but it will last you a life time :D


    Thanks again



  3. A few months ago, as sure as the sun will rise, the salmon made their annual return to my local streams. Fed by cold springs, the salmon pushed through despite scorching day time temperatures. I left the fishing gear behind and hiked the creeks with my camera. The water was low but not as clear as I would’ve liked. I mounted my camera onto a net handle and probed the pools to document this great migration.



    Chinook salmon by MJLeung, on Flickr


    Chinook shooting upriver


    Chinook shooting upriver by MJLeung, on Flickr


    Spawning pair in B&W


    Spawning pair by MJLeung, on Flickr


    Coho buck


    Coho by MJLeung, on Flickr


    Swimming against the flow


    Swimming against the flow by MJLeung, on Flickr




    The last 2 weeks I drove up and down rolling hills in farm country. I found my way through gravel and dirt roads winding through valleys, before going onto sketchy trails ridden with pot-holes and fallen branches.


    Alone, I stalked the streams with ghost-like stealth carrying my fly rod and camera gear in hand. I had miles worth of river to wade without another person in sight. At the end of the journey, I eventually found freedom.


    The perfect cast



    The Perfect Swing


    Swinging down & across by MJLeung, on Flickr


    The perfect take



    A mint gem


    Male in spawning dress by MJLeung, on Flickr


    Fish-eye views



    brookie by MJLeung, on Flickr


    Brookie on the dry fly


    Royal Wulff Brookie by MJLeung, on Flickr


    Half & half Brookie


    Half & half Brookie by MJLeung, on Flickr


    20" of spotted gold on the muddler minnow


    Brown trout on the Muddler by MJLeung, on Flickr


    Pretty little brownie on the Muddler minnow


    Half & half brownie by MJLeung, on Flickr


    Stalking the streams was just what I needed - It was therapy for the soul.


    Hope you enjoyed



  4. Hang in there Bruce.


    I also had issues with nausea with the standard anti-nausea pills (ondansetron, dex & stemitil). Later I was given Emend (Aprepitant) and it worked very well during my high dose chemo sessions. It’s definitely something worth talking about to the pharmacist and oncologist. Nausea sucks especially when all you’re trying to afterwards is hydrate.


    Sending my prayers to you and the missus.

  5. A quick Googling brought this up




    As FishLogic mentioned, both are made of the same material (Ultra High Molecular Polyethylene) by 2 different companies.


    For the lines that I like, I choose PowerPro (Spectra) and sometimes Tuf-Line (They use both Spectra and Dyneema depending on the model). Personally I don't care what they're made of so long as they perform well.




  6. Nice vid Edwin. Which model of GoPro are you using? This winter can we try dropping it 120ft down into Simcoe? :D



    You are the last person I would expect to take vids.


    X2...I'm surprised in this 3 minute video you didn't manage to hook or cut yourself. Your blood is still on my auger handle and it won't come off :(

  7. Go down to Port Hope, find some guys from Quebec or some guys from eastern Europe, lol.. The next time they gank a big female with a marshmellow and a treble and are filleting it on the side of the bank ask to keep the roe, they won't want it.


    They’ve evolved in Port Hope Bill...Now they’re slitting bucks looking for roe and leaving them on the ground :(



    please stop posting in my thread if you're going to drag this off topic into a race argument.


    I'm interested in the location of cleaning stations for the simple reason that I want to know where I can easily clean fish without having to mess up my kitchen. I don't have a tailgate and am not interested in looking for roe.


    Ever consider one of these?




    Set one up in the backyard, attach a hose and you’ve got a cleaning station. With gas at $1.30/L nowadays, it’ll save you from having to drive to Port Credit or Port Hope just to clean fish.

  8. I know 30lb Gel-spun backing can groove Recoils no problem - I can't see why fireline or PowerPro wouldn't do the same. A few years ago I re-did all the guides on my friend's G-Loomis fly rods after he came back from Florida. Apparently tarpon and jacks were the culprit.LOL


    Never had any problems with SIC, alconites or aluminum oxide guides myself.

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