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About hairywater

  • Birthday 08/01/1959

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  1. Kind of reminds me of the coalition, funny story. http://www.jeffbridges.com/fish.html Hairywater
  2. Thanks for the suggestions.
  3. A couple of weeks ago I took my family and some friends to watch the salmon at the dams on the Humber. Everyone had a blast and another date was set for this weekend. I enjoyed the walk and the opportunity to scout some waters that I had not fished before. Does anyone have some suggestions for a enjoyable family walking destination that is near some trout habitat, that I could have a look at. We are all fit and able, my 10 year old daughter is up to a challenge. I've fished the lower reaches of the Humber, Credit, Wilmot and Rouge. Its really more about a walk, than the fish but..... We would like to get out in the country, but not too far from downtown Toronto say 1/2 to 1hr. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Hairywater
  4. I am up in Youngs Point for the weekend. I am planning a kayak fishing trip to Hull Bay on Stoney Lake. Does anyone know where I could launch a kayak near there. Any help would be appriciated.
  5. Super report, a great example for everyone. Thanks
  6. Bummer Dmasse, I always looked forward to coming to the store because of you. I really appreciated all the help you have given me when I came in. Their loss bro! I hope things work out well, with your positive, outgoing attitude, I'm sure they will. If you ever want a mid week fishing partner let me know. Good luck Hairywater
  7. Did not see any sharks down there, spent a fair bit of time on the water in a kayak trolling. Jumped a few smaller ones on Rapala's, but without the circle hook, its pretty tough to hit the sweet spot in their mouths with big trebles. Wish I had brought a fly rod, there is this lagoon........
  8. I didn't bring a tape with me but I think i could scale it off the length of the zipper on my pants. I could do that in photoshop I think, any other ideas?
  9. Just got back from a family holiday in costa Rica. Quite a surprise to me (wink wink) that the area we stayed is close to some prime tarpon waters near the Rio Sixola. Couldn't afford a charter so I consulted many boards like this (thanks) and brought a rig with me. Hired a local with a canoe and went looking for fish. It was still and hot, nice, since the canoe is only a 12 footer, but the fishing was slow. Started looking for bait, caught a small jack & lip hooked it and let him swim away, 1/2 hour later a poon rolled near us, I waited, he grabbed it, the hook bit and we were of on a 1 hour sleigh ride. Unbelievable action, runs, jumps, arm wrenching power of these fish is unbelievable. Here are some picks. Waiting Got a nibble First look Come to papa Thats a high as I could lift him Saying goodbye I reckon him in the 100lbs region. Caught on a Ugly Stik BWS 1100 , Okuma Baitrunner, spooled with 20lbs powerpro, to a 65lbs floro leader with a #7 Gamatsu Octopus hook on the business end. Thanks to the guys at Tightlines Fishermans Warehouse for stocking and selling me the stuff I needed. Buy local! I think this rig will work great on my kayak, hunting pike in Toronto Harbour Cheers Hairywater
  10. i'll try this [
  11. Here is a picture of a tarpon I caught in Costa Rica last week. <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/hairywater/Tarpon/photo?authkey=OwP6QZrdOlo#5196759708192645810"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/hairywater/SB6Za8XiorI/AAAAAAAAAII/mlqmZ3hh7YE/s800/P1030597.JPG" /></a> I'll post a short report in General Discussions Hairywater
  12. I was diagnosed with CFS 10 years ago after a bout of pneumonia that left me utterly debilitated for five years. Very real, very bad disease. My advice, go see a doc with some experience, pm me for details. Do as much as you can to keep yourself healthy. I think most importantly, don't give in to the need for rest. If you have the flue or cold, sure go to bed. Many CFS's , go the disability route, then find themselves in the nightmarish scenario of getting paid for being sick with a disease that nobody believes in. If at all possible tough it out, build up you tolerance to the fatigue. 10 years in I still suffer after heavy labour, flues, virtually anything that triggers my immune system. There are good meds available now that make life alot easier. Good luck. Hairywater
  13. Hi: I'm new to the forum, and a newbie Salmon addict. I caught my first salmon in my kayak out at Port Credit late in August, since then I have done little else but eat sleep and breath salmon. Tonite the stage was set for a major all night fishing extravaganza, my wife and kids are out of town today and I'v stayed in town because of salmon....no I mean work. Now I don't have a car, that's cool there are many great fishing spots you can get to by bike in 1/2 an hour from downtown. I'm off early, like 8:30 pm, I'v got my tackle together, a sardine wrap on my kwickfish,good to go. Hop on my bike. !*#$@ing flat tire. No problem, off to the gas station, flat repair kit (there is a god), I'm on the road again in 30 minutes. Were to go. I have found the bite kind of slow lately, so I decide to explore the Leslie St. Spit, thinking that maybe the salmon will like the structure and cool water out at the end of the point. Now there is one thing about night fishing in Toronto most people are unaware of. All the good fishing spots are out of the way locations, dark, and shared equally between the fisherfolk, axe murders, and serial killers. Well after a 1/2 hour on the spit, I'm listening for splashes, biking listening.... All the while getting more and more creeped out by the glimpses reflective fabric in bushes hi-lighted by my headlamp as I ride along. ( axe murder wannabes take note, cover reflective bits of your kit) I finally get to my destination, the point. I dismount and start walking. Now out of rubble and shrubs I see the silhouette of a man with a beard. No a giant with a beard that goes down to his chest. Thats it, I'm so out of there. I turn my bike around, hop on and..... #@!$%^^%ing flat tire again.. Merde. No time to worry about my rim, my tire or anything else. I'm going as fast as I can with one wheel, wondering all the while, if all those bad things my wife says that can happen to me fishing, included ritual dismemberment. I make it off the spit in one piece, and think about flat. Me=idiot, I left the flat repair kit at work, well there is no gas stations in this godforsaken end of Toronto anyway. Well there is only one thing to do. Fish. I "ride", (grind) to my least favorite place to fish, I have been skunked there every time out. Needless to say it is dark and creepy there to. I breakout the rod and kwickfish, cast.....retrieve....nothing cast....retrieve.... nada cast...retrieve....(insert the music from the movie "Deliverance"), I change lures. My baby, a 2/3oz glow blue/white cleo with a razor sharp #4 siwash hook, it casts like a bullet, and can cut the 4th dimension with practice. Cast....retrieve....zip. Cast.....bail snaps shut....cleo is now in synchronic orbit with Titan. Get out #2 favorite. 3/4 glow green/white, cleo with siwash. Cast......snag.....snap. I consider surrendering to big dude with beard on the spit. Check tackle. Hmm, Mepps glow spinner. I've never like it but what the heck. Cast...wap..... zeeeeeeeee. Fish on baby, things are looking up. Huge runs, it feels like a seal. 15 minues later I land it, 19# chinnie. Cool, off it goes. Cast..etc. Change lures. Glow mepps little wolf. Cast, start to fool around with my retrieve, very erratic. Short jerks, long pauses....wap......zeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Fish on baby... (see above) 18# chinne. Repeat 20# chinnie, Hook another big one, big zeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....snap. (Note to self, change leader after every other fish). Change lures, Blue little wolf. Cast....wap...zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, really big run, many big jumps...probaly a coho. It turns on me, I'm winding like a banshee...dead stop? Snag? No way? Yes way! Spit the hook and snaged me. Clear hook. Cast....wap...zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,17#chinnie Cast...wap...zeeeeeeeeeee 21#chinneeee. Final tally 5 for 7. All monster fighters, best fishing day in my life. Wrist is swollen (bad break 2 months ago) No damn camera duh! 4:00am Still have flat, long, long, long walk home. Couldn't care less. Hairywater
  14. I have switched all my casting spoons to a #4 vmc siwash hook. After watching salmon trying to take bait on videos, you can see that they are pretty eratic in there ablitiy to hit a lure. If the salmon bumps a treble, its bye bye, all those points will scare it off. In the same senario, the single point siwash will not 'scare' the fish, and it may come back for more. I have witnessed multiple bites on the same retrieve with a siwash. In addition, you can hook deeper with the single hook. I landed a 15# coho, after 5 or 6 arbatic displays that that looked like they were coreographed by Jakie Chan. That single siwash would not let go. Sharp hooks are a must. See this link for detailed instructions. Don't forget the herring scent. http://www.luhrjensen.com/techreports/565HookSharpening.pdf (if the link is dead, look it up on http://www.archive.org/web/web.php) Hairywater
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