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About Ridde

  • Birthday 02/25/1978

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  1. They haven't played well the last 3 games.
  2. Nice catch! Should have gave the dog one to hold for the shot!!
  3. Awsome video thanks for that! I pulled my son off his video game to have a listen too
  4. I was down at Perto Can Park Saturday as well. I fished for about an hourm too many people there in one spot under the bridge to even bother trying to fish properly. Rotten carcacas everywhere. I took a walk around only to see dead MALES all over the place with their bellies cut. These people don't even know how to tell the sex of the fish. Its getting worse and worse every year down there. i also saw 2 guys walk up into the santuary and start fishing.
  5. Brantford
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