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Everything posted by Binfishn

  1. In British Columbia when they close the sockey fishery which has been happening the last two years that I know of because I was there they charge people who bye native caught fish.the wardens know where the fish are being purchased and lie in wait for the violators.Now the natives fish less because they can't sell it.Nobody likes waste even them.So let's close it a few years.Charge people buying closed season fish ,maybe the commercial harvest may go down in numbers also.Put the money collected in to the resource .After a few years maybe there might be enough fish for all.Sometimes everyone needs to sacrifice a little for the future of the walleye fishery on nippissing.
  2. Skunks are out in St.Thomas also think they have been spraying nighttime cats.Stunk real bad when I put dog out for last pee
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