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Everything posted by stevetso

  1. Was just there a couple of months ago. Food at Tiki Bar was good, especially the fried fish. As for fishing, you can fish any of the bridges linking the keys. I've seen them pull nice snappers and groupers from the bridges. Also saw many tarpons roll. Parking was easy (at least when I went). Lots of bait shops along the way so no worries on that front. Good luck and let us know how you make out!
  2. Thanks guys. Contacted Plat. They had entire catalogs online which made it easy!!
  3. A Happy New Year to all!!! Just a quick question to see if anyone on the forum has any pointers on where to get Shimano JDM parts? I have a 2007 TwinPower 6000 and need a front drag knob. Thanks in advance.
  4. If you're in Mission, fish the Fraser, Harrison and Chilliwack. Sturgeons will be on the Fraser and the Harrison and while you can fish from shore, your chances will be much better in a boat. Chilliwack has a small run of red Chinook salmon but they get dark fairly quick and the run is very water level dependent. This is a Pink year and mid August is the peak of the run. There will be tons of fish with fresh fish coming in on each tide. These you can catch from shore and they bite very well. If you fly, bring a 5-6 wt with intermediate sink-tip line a bunch of pink marabou flies. Bare Foot is right on the socks and Chinooks coming up the Fraser, but check for openings as they may or may not happen. There are also a bunch of lakes near Mission and they all have stocked rainbow trout. If you really miss Ontario, you can fish Whonnock for crappies. No one really targets them there and so you won't have much competition. The island is mainly a trout/bass and ocean fishery in June as the salmon won't be returning yet. PM me and I'll fill you in on some of my old stomping grounds. Good luck!!
  5. I used to work at a fishing lodge in Northern BC and have... Hooked: - humpback whale - sea lion - seals Landed: - seagulls - diving ducks - sea cucumbers - sea stars - squid
  6. You can also check out STS guiding services (www.guidebc.com). These guys have a pretty good rep out there also. Keep in mind that both STS and Fred Helmer are located in the Fraser Valley... that's about an hour and a half from North Vancouver. FYI, May is the time for the Eulachon run (small oily smelt-like fish that run up the Fraser to spawn) and this is when the sturgeon go nuts as they'll be very hungry after a long cold winter. You should do awesome!! Good luck and tell us how it went!
  7. Would LOVE to join you but unfortunately I can't... Anyhow, May is kinda slow for Vancouver Island salmon fishing unless you have a proper boat with downriggers and trolling gear... However, there may be some young cohos (Bluebacks) around the inshore during your stay. Keep in mind that their stocks have diminished so much that your chances of hooking into one may be slim. If you do get one, make sure you follow the regs as there're many restrictions about fishing for and keeping salmon on the inside strait (e.g. barbless hooks only when fishing for salmon... etc.). A better alternative may be for you to try for sea-run cutthroat trout off the surrounding beaches and estruaries. I believe you can get into some pretty lightly visited locations with a kayak and so this may be a good advantage. You can also try for resident bottom fish such as cod and flounder. Just look for rocky points for cod and gravel/sandy beaches for flounder. The best rod I can recommend is a medium action saltwater spinning set-up loaded with 10-15 lb line. This is a versatile approach for both light salmon fishing and bottomfishing. If you are going for the sea-run cutts then use a medium action freshwater rod with 6-8 lb line. As for lures, I find jigging lures to be the most effective for salmon. Some of my favorites include the 2 - 3" Buzz Bombs and Zzingers in chrome, pink, blue or green finish. The Stingsilda in green is another very good lure to use if needlefish are around. For bottomfish, leadhead jigs with plastic tails work awesome. Size and weight of the jigs will depend on the depth you're fishing and the current strength. Overall, I prefer these lure to use out of a kayak because they cast well, sink fast and do not require complicated leaders, swivels... etc. (the less knots on a kayak the better I always say...). Also, if you do get hooked up on kelp or on rocks, just drop a 4-6 oz sliding sinker and 9 times out of 10, the lure will be set free and you'll get it back. I also use mono line exclusively as you will get snagged on the bottom every now and then. It's kinda hard to break off 40-60 lb braid in a kayak with a strong current dragging you along and your hands on the rod and the line but not the paddle... If targeting cutts, try a spinner such as the Blue Fox or the Mepps. Both work well. You can also fly fish for them. A Muddler Minnow on a floating or slow sink line is my favorite. Oh, a quick tip on the cutts, look for activity (splashes and rises), if there's no activity, there's no fish... move on... Lastly, check local reports for latest info. Here's a link to Pacific Angler in Vancouver. They have pretty up to date reports but may or may not cover your area of interest later on in the season... http://www.pacificangler.ca/bc-fishing-rep...ng-reports.html Good luck and let us know how it goes!! Steve
  8. Hi there, I am new to this provice (from BC) and am being introduced to the various fishing opportunities here in ON. I was fortunate enough to head out last weekend to a buddy's fishing camp. Here is a pics of one we took on glo bugs. All in all, it was a great morning, hooked 6 and brought in 3. The water was clear enough for me to see the fish take on 2 incidences. That's gotta be the most exciting part of fishing. Can't wait to head out again...
  9. Hey guys, a quick question about trailer electricals, I was towing my boat with my friend's 4Runner which she bought just last week. Things went well until the signal lights went, and then the traction lights came on, then the ABS light came on and then the shifter was stuck. To make a long story short, we had to be towed. The next day Toyota came back to us and said that the trailer wires short circuited the switches and that it's not under warranty. I thought the fuses would SC first before the entire switch. Any one out there experienced similar issues?
  10. We all have close friends as you described and it's hard to imagine the shoe you're in right now. However, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend. Steve
  11. Nice fish!! Any way you can pass a little info as to where that was? Have tried looking for fishable shore waters but so far no success. Need to prove to the Mrs. that I was actually fishing and not... Any help provided would be greatly appreciated! Cheers and nice to meet you all!! Steve (just moved to TO and am very glad to bumped into this forum)
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