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Posts posted by SuperDave

  1. Both of my mishaps came while fishing with PigeonTroller. Hmmmmmm............. anyway, last year while helping release a muskie the fish slashed and somehow caught my knuckle. 2 deep tooth gashes right to the bone. Blood everywhere. Didn't even know it happened till Dax told me I was bleeding. We wrapped it up and caught several more muskie that day :canadian:. While fishing bass I had a fish hit my rapala popper. I set the hook right at the same time as the fish jumped, and the lure shot out of its mouth like a slingshot. The back treble went right through my shorts into my knee. Pushed it through, cut it and carried on.

  2. While fishing Moira river once, my dad and I found a paddle. Thought nothing of it. further downstream started finding full beer cans of Coors light.4 in total I think. Made me wonder if a canoe had tipped but saw nothing else. Caught a nice muskie, and took the beer home and drank it lol

  3. Unfortunately, some muskie fishermen develop a holier than thou attitude. Probably due to the endless amount of time and money they invest in catching a trophy muskie. I am one of them. However, if its legal for someone to possess a trophy fish of any species, then so be it. Most educated fishermen know a trophy fish is a very old fish, and should be released. What irks folks is those of us not yet lucky enough to catch a trophy of such size after years of chasing them, only to see someone catch "that fish" and harvest it.

    Now imo Lake St. Clair is a different case. The muskie population has exploded and you have to think that some "culling" can't hurt. That big fish i'm sure will be quickly replaced by another. I only began to experience this muskie fishery this year. Had a great time this fall and caught plenty of 40" plus fish. I don't really see it causing a problem when LEGAL size fish get taken. As long as the regulations are followed.

    Now places like the French River or West Arm, are a different story. A lot less muskies so harvesting would definitely hurt. I was shocked many years ago when I stayed at a lodge on the West Arm. They pulled out all their pics for us to look at, I guess to pump us up for muskie fishing. I could not believe the number of photos of big muskie taken from the dock or actually frozen from being in the freezer. A guy standing there holding a frozen 45" muskie, and the lodge owner says " oh ya that's so and so, he comes up here for 2 weeks every year". Now that's concerning.

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