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Posts posted by SuperDave

  1. I am also subjected to the same treatment wherever I shop. I just take the high road and politely say " no thanks". It's that simple. I have found in my 30 years of retail that customers are extremely generous and a very small percent get upset over being asked.

  2. Well guys let me say this... as a retailer, remember that it's the cashiers job to ask. They don't want to .. but are forced to. So please don't take it out on them. It's the giant corporate brainstorm to have the stores collect the donations. We do it twice a year, hate it... but have to do it. Then they set targets for stores to hit to make it a competition so that stores that collect less look bad. And no one wants to look bad. Every penny we collect goes directly to the cause.

  3. I wear Columbia fishing shirts available at Bass Pro. Also the Worldwide Sportsman brand. A wide brim hat is a must, and a buff for neck/face protection. Don't forget long pants, as we usually ignore the back of our legs and pay for it! SPF 30 minimum sunscreen and don't forget SPF lip balm. Nothing worse than a nasty sun blister on your kisser!

    Tons of different clothing out there prices are not cheap for this kind of stuff but it's well worth it.

    The sun is my enemy. :ninja:

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