I have a down parka, very warm but very bulky. I'm wonderin' if it would be safe to keep it in a compression sack and take it out at the end of the day. Would it lose its "loft" after awhile? It's reassuring to have it out on the ice, but I don't always need it. I was also thinking of using a dry bag. Any tips? Thanks.
Well, I had my new auger out today. Walked about a quarter mile to one of my spots on Belwood. Set everything up. Prepared to drill. No bolt that joins the auger to the engine. Spent the day scavenging other people' holes ( no jokes please). Got home. Discovered bolt recessed in shaft of auger. Had it the whole time. Felt really stupid. The End.
Hey, 35wailin,I wrapped the auger motor in an old piece of carpet before putting it on my smitty sled. Are the blades easy to sharpen? Thanks. Tomorrow, pike!
Should I baby it at first? The manual says it won't "transfer full power" until after 2 hours of use, whatever that means. Also, can I keep it in the garage all winter? Thanks for all the plain speak answers. Smokestack's advice about the extra blades will be heeded.
I bought pocket warmers on ebay from a seller called "cellbar100". 10 or $12 ea. One fill lasts 18 hrs! I have 2, one for each pocket. Size of a Zippo lighter. Order extra burner heads. These are hotter than the bigger Ronsons and WAY cheaper.
Gas powered auger rookie. Any and all advice would be appreciated ie; storage, maintenance, gas and oil advice etc. It's a Rapala 43cc, 2-stroke. Thanks, fellow ice men.
Anyone own one? I'm getting one Monday. Rookie to flip overs. Any advice would help, especially the heating aspect. I looked at the manual and it looks tricky to assemble. Is it a 2 man job? Thanks.
That is just not right. So much satisfaction landing a musky, taking 200 pictures, and watching it swim majestically away. I hear they make good fertizer.