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Everything posted by Fisheye

  1. Shaky, 10-15' in front of the Ruscom is good! Paul.
  2. I have 6 Magda 30 Line counters and love'em. Not a problem with them pulling big Musky baits! Paul.
  3. Fishbait! Sent you a PM! Paul.
  4. Morning Lew. I guess the is over up our way! As to your question re: phones, my base is across the room but my handset is on the desk beside me. I have never had any problems with this. The only problem I have ever had is when my cel is on the desk. When it is going to ring, it just drives my computer crazy! Static and all the good things that come with it! P.S.-I guess I'll have wait till next year to meet you in person! The Poodle will be a lot bigger by then too! Paul.
  5. Smitty, I believe that is located at Azilda isn't it?I had the opportunity to take a fly-in to Burwash Lake back in the early 80's to a friend's cottage. Marg and her crew were very nice and they were experienced pilots! My friend used them all season for years, until he finally sold his property. Hope this helps a little! Paul.
  6. Sleded, check out "Twin City Outboards". They are in Minnisota, but they ship world wide. They deal in old antique and late model outboards. Hope this helps ya! Paul.
  7. Hooked, you will find that they recreate a little brine again. Yes you can keep them in the freezer for even longer periods. Paul.
  8. Hooked, I have been salting minnows for 25 years. I use fresh minnows right from the baitshop. All I ever used was rock salt that you use for sidewalks. I use margarine containers. Put a layer of salt in the bottom first, then layer of minnows. Keep layering until it is full. Put the lid on, then into the freezer right away. After they have been there for a couple of days or weeks, it doesn't matter. Take them out and empty the brine out. Now you just keep them in the frig. When you get out fishing, dump the brine again and let them sit open so the minnows dry out. After you put them on your hook, they re-hydrate immediately. Worked for me on Nippissing for years! Hope this helps! Paul.
  9. Mike, nice looking baits! They're going to look good in the Fisheye box! LOL! Mike, don't you just bend the snap to tune them? I had trouble with a LEO and called Todd from Leo Lures and he told to bend the snap! And vualla, there it was, tuned! See you at the meeting tomorrow night! Paul.
  10. Hey Mike, buy something nice for me! Like a case of beer! I'll gladly pay you for it!
  11. Steve, I do that in April & May when the 10-12lb Cats are running up the Ruscom River!
  12. I have to be honest guys! The pic is my 50"r on Labor day! The one in my signature is my wife's 51 1/2"r from June 20th but she couldn't lift it so I'm in the pic! LOL! Chris, I didn't find one on board this summer, but I wll look when I clean the boat out for the winter and let you know! Paul.
  13. Don't want to bore anyone, but I just wanted to try this out! I'd rather learn now, rather than later! P.S.- Pete Maina, do ya recognize the hat? Paul.
  14. Me thinks Me will just sit in the nice warm garage and watch Nascar and have some nice cold PBR'S! Good luck out there Steve! Paul.
  15. Just checking my avatar also! Paul. Just checking my avatar also! Paul.
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