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About gardzy99

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  1. Us middle class folks all have targets on our backs right now........The horrible job our current government does to retain good, honest work in our area is such a blatant slap in the face to all of us......and then to overcharge us for hydro and fuel.......time for change.
  2. So refreshing to see people standing up for the workers and this service.....as any corporation does to make money, they are making the situation far worse than it really is.........this is a government trying to get rid of middle class Canada.........all jobs either taken away or exported.....first it was Heinz, then it was Kellogs, now the Post Office.........Mr. Harper is the worst thing for Canada. No true education for our children, a green plan that is failing miserably, horrible health care and the attempted forced extinction of the middle class man or woman. Time for change.
  3. Canada Post has never used taxpayers dollars. They are self sufficient, meaning they operate solely on their income provided by their services. This is why I think people should be more upset than what they are. The corporation lets the public believe they are taxed based (lies). They let the public think they are hurting. Yes letters are down, but every other type of mail is up ASTRONOMICALLY.....packages, magazines, addressed admail, admail etc. They are only losing money based against their forecasted projections which they set high to enforce their lies. I realize people do not like unions. I understand that people do not use Canada Post. BUT, why voice your opinion on the subject if it does not affect you. Think of the millions of Canadians who rely on Canada Post for employment. These are good jobs being lost because of a persons opinion of something they do not use. Yes Canada Post needed to change, but these are jobs for todays people, tomorrows children and beyond. And the trickle effect will also be felt nation wide.....small businesses including taxi services, local Urban Large delivery businesses, printers and packers......All of these jobs will be lost due to these changes enforced by people who do not use the service and therefore do not pay a cent for it, because THEY DO NOT USE THE TAXPAYERS MONEY......I find this truly upsetting and very Un-Canadian. We should be wanting these jobs in our communities. We should be protecting the work force that Mr. Harper is so evidently trying to change into a part time economy with lower education morals and a really hurting medical system as well. I for one oppose these changes in the name of the hard working people of Canada Post......
  4. Skunked AGAIN on Crappie and Gills.......caught 4 small perch. Where are the slabs hiding......
  5. I completely missed that part of the read......my bad. Thanks for correcting me. Glad they let it go.
  6. And they killed it? Pathetic. At this day in age. Take pictures, get a fibreglass mount model and release the monster to reproduce more beautiful creatures like it. As for the consideration of whether it's true albino, I think most anglers go by % of body that is lacking pigment..........
  7. Just started hitting some spots around Wallaceburg to try the various fishing styles. Trying my hand at panfishing (Crappie/Gills/Sunfish). Anybody have any tips?? Thanks in advance.
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