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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. Thinkng of going to Erie out of Chrystal Beach this weekend for perch.

    I have only been there once before so any help on locations for some good perch and some bait would be really appreciated.

    Also wondering when the walleye start out there. I went last year and had a really good day but that was July




  2. I can go to bed now I have learned something new!




    Yes but southerners dont know what home fries are. Had a lady server look at me like had 3 heads when i asked once.


    Now collared greens, those are just nasty, might have been that I orfered them at Atlanta Airport



  3. The strangest example of "throwing his line over yours is" On Simcoe about 5 years ago me and my buddie were wailing on the perch and throwing them back. Well this "guy" is watching us and keeps drilling holes closer and closer to my friend. No word of a lie, he finally drilled a hole 3 feet from my buddies hole. I had to hold my friend back from drilling him.

    We just left and didnt escalate it. Funny part is we moved a 100yards and he still didnt catch fish.


    I dont care what a single person on here says about culture or ethnicity, some people are just Aholes.


    I remember many years ago my other friend had a problem with some new "canadians" as they would come down to the local fishing hole and leave garbage and used diapers everywhere, so one day he walked down with a garbage bag grabbed the main person by the collar and made him clean it up. If only it was that easy.



    All I can say is call the C.O. with all the info you can get, its not worth getting in trouble on your case.




  4. Just wondering if there is a shortage of HDS 8 units after the rebate ended. I have been floating around some websites and HDS8's and especially the Bundle are no where to be seen .

    Wondering if they will have another sale or drop the prices.



  5. Just wondering if anyone out there has any expierience with fishing the Spanish River around openor.

    I will be in that area for the first week, we will be down stream near the town of Spanish. I really want to get my walley on!

    Any help would be appreciated.





  6. Spent the day in the waters around Honey Harbour yestrday for the pike openor.


    It was the slowest fishing I have ever seen. I guess the weird weather has screwed things up.


    Water temp was 46 in the main bodies and 46 in the back bays!!!. That is lowest I have seen it there on openor.


    I got skunked after 8 hours of fihsing, My buddie got one OOS bass and that was it! We talked to 3 other boats and none had even a strike for the day.


    My recomendations if you are going this weekend is maybe put it off for a awhile and let the water warm for a week or two.


    I did however have a follow from what might of been the largest pike I have ever seen, the fish was about 46 inches with an insane girth, 30-35 pounds is my guess. Right to the boat and sunk away as I started my figure 8. We came back later in the day for her but she didnt show. My personnel best is a 30 pound class fish in my avatar and this fish may have been bigger.


    Come on sun and warmth!!





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