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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. I have to yell this at the sky but this will do nicely.


    In Dec 2010 I fell ill with intense pain and numbness in my left arm.


    Went to my gp and he diagnosed it as injured vertebrate and shot discs that have finally caught up to me from a loose life! He books me to see a neurosurgeon in hamilton and books me for a MRI. After 5 months I finally get into the MRI and it shows 2 bulging discs in my neck . Still waiting to be called from the waiting list of the neorosurgeon. its June when I finally see himh he looks at it and says this will be good, we can fix you up, well the more and more he looks at it, the more and more he starts backing out, this comes to an end when he says I would be better off seeeing his partner as there is alot of work to be done. 5 months goes by and finally call to come in. I Get in and he is humming and hoing since the MRI is now almost a year old, he wants a new MRI done.Another 4 month wait.

    The big day was supposed to be tomorrow mornning when I will finally get him looking at them. Well his office called late this afternoon and cancelled the date and will call back with a new one soon.


    It has now been 14 month.....thats 1 year 2 months and I am no closer to getting fixed. My GP says the discs have completely failed and its bone on bone now.



    All I have is massive amounts of oxy contin , 2 different types oh and on the weekend I lost the use of my legs getting out of bed.


    Tomorrow I call my MPP and demand to be sent south where it can get done.




    Thats why I havent been around much this year.




    Im out of ideas...............................







  2. Wondering if anyone out there could point me in the direction for some Yamaha Cowling paint.


    I need it in the classic Yamaha blue, need to airbrush out a bunch of surface scratches I got onone side.


    Have airbrush will travel, but hoping to order some online ( the lazy way )










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