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Everything posted by tmleafs26

  1. Hey guys, just got back today. Spent a nice week at Pleasant Cove Resort. Weather could not have been any better. Fishing was good - managed to have fish dinner every night - so thats all I really wanted. Caught lots of pike, and a few smallmouth bass - biggest fish was a 3.5lb smallmouth bass off the dock using a silver Cotton Cordel. Majority of fish were caught by Opee Chee island, the best fishing was the closer we stayed to the resort. Silver Cordel with rattle worked best. Lots of fish lost, with one pike about 10lbs (managed to weigh it before I lost it Suprisingly with 2 treble hooks that lots of fish managed to shake off the hooks. All in all, great week. Thanks for all the tips from everyone! TMl26
  2. T minus 26 hours until departure. Any last minute tips? Anyone been up to Georgian Bay in the last few weeks? Thanks board, you guys are great!
  3. watches and warnings ended for severe t-storms BOO!! Toronto/Mississauga seems to be protected and we never get crazy snow storms or crazy summer storms. BOO!! I guess its just a bit of rain at best Good Night
  4. Should roll in around 9pm est to Toronto area. Looking at the radar it looks like a doozy - lots of rain, thunder, winds, and tons of lightning.
  5. Well the warnings and watches have been issued. After all that heat, looks like were gonna have another big thunderstorm move in to Southern Ontario. Here is a link to the radar: http://weatheroffice.gc.ca/radar/index_e.html?id=WKR Should be a dandy. All fisherman and outdoor people love storms - dont they? Post any cool pics you get from tonights storm and any updates if you get some crazy weather. Stay safe. TMl26
  6. http://www.lightinthebox.com/wholesale-Fishing_c972
  7. WOW....sounds like a really nice spot up there for fishing, with lots of exploring to do... Cant wait to get up there. T minus 10 days and Ill be Keep the tips/info coming guys!!! im gonna print this entire thread and study it and take everyones advice and Im hoping to post some pics for the board. You guys rock, thanks!!!
  8. Hoping it isnt too HOT while were up there....Some cool nights to keep the fish active are always nice, but I guess you cant expect too cool as were not that far north. Oh well hoping for the best.
  9. 24-31 and u?
  10. Hey guys thanks for the input. Im staying at Pleasant Cove Resort, first time up there in that area and fishing Georgian Bay in over 15 years, looking forward to it. As for musky, I will not specifically target it, if it comes by great, if not, then oh well. Thats usually when the biggest musky get caught - when you least expect it. I just want some decent fishing action, and as long as I can make a nice fish dinner every night, I will be happy. No need to pig out on the fish - I think thats been already done in most of the lower half of Ontario unfortunately. Thanks again Gladly will listen to more tips if anyone has 'em. TMl26
  11. WOW just wondering, with so many BIG fish, what the heck do these pike eat??? i mean to get that big you have to have a good diet of suckers or small fish and with so many of these monsters, the competition underwater must be fierce - we all know how aggressive pike are, and throw in some pickerel - Im amazed how many monsters there are. i guess it helps that nobody fishes up there, but still need to have bait fish in the water..... Great job!
  12. So I decided to book a cottage on Georgian Bay, in Pointe au Baril area. Has anyone fished this part of the bay? I know its huge, and there are alot of options. What is the "general" or "common" theme of fishing Georgian Bay, any set of rules or suggestions? im thinking live bait is the way to go especially with the variety of different fish (musky, pike, bass, pickerel, perch, etc.) Would Love to hear some tips or suggestions. Thanks TMl26
  13. Hey guys and gals, Im looking at going to West Nipissing Resort later this month for a week, has anyone ever been to this resort? The website looks nice, the cottages look nicem, the pictures look nice, and its located on Nipissing which has a tremendous variety of fishing available - I know the fishing will be great, but how about the resort? Would love to hear if you've been and what you have to say about it. Looking to relax, fish, swim, and enjoy northern Ontario. Ive read 3 or 4 reviews about this place just now and they all say STAY AWAY! - Im kind of upset about that, as I had my heart set on it, can anyone confirm this? Or any recommendations for the Nipissing area at a reasonable rate for a week? Thanks P.S. Its very close to Lakair, and since lots of your go to Lakair each year, maybe some of you have stayed at West Nipissing Resort? If so, please let me know, looking to book ASAP. Thanks and tight lines everyone!
  14. Just got back from a great week at ARgyle Lake Lodge. Fishing started off great then cooled off a bit as the sunny and hot weather came in. Caught Pike, Pickerel and Smallies. Caught a PB smallie at 4 lbs. All in all a great relaxing week. If you're looking for a place to fish, swim, relax, this is it and its quite affordable too! Peace
  15. Hey guys, Been fishing for years, but have never figured out the BEST way to spool my reel. I usually do the pencil on the spool trick and reel it on, with this I get tangle sometimes. Id like to know what your method of getting the line on the spool is? What is the best way to have the line go on straight and not twisted? Secondly, aside from using leaders, what is the best way to fish with a RED DEVIL spoon without twisting the line? Any suggestions? I know these are basic questions, and I have always done it a certain way, but I am looking for suggestions that are better than my ways of doing things.... All suggestions welcome. Happy Civic Holiday to our government/bank friends Happy Double time and a half pay day to those working for government offices Peace
  16. bump hoping to get an update peace
  17. Hey guys, So I have heard some good stories on the new GULP fishing tackle that comes in those plastic jars or pails. I personally have not bought any, but would like to know what you guys think of it and if it's worth the $20 or so? Where is the best/cheapest place to buy them? I live in Mississauga. I am going fishing up to Gogama in August and the lake is filled with pike, walleye and smallies...Which of the GULP tackle do you recommend if any at all? What's the best/most common GULP product? Any tips or help is much appreciated. Thanks Peace
  18. I ice-fished this lake as well as summer fished it. Pike are plentiful...Walleye a little less. We went swimming in the lake way back when, and i have not yet grown a 3rd testicle But I remember a few years ago, there was thousands of fish that died in that lake.....All floating belly up on the surface....don't remember what the cause of this way, as they were investigating it and I never followed up on it, or don't remember doing so. What does the guide to eating Ontario sportfish say about it? This lake is also over-fished.....I would much rather pick a different lake....but that's just my opinion. If you have a place booked and its nice and affordable for u and your family, then go for it. It's not that bad nor is it badly polluted. I am sure there are some ecological laws that prevent the soap factory from dumping soap into the lake. Call the local MNR office in Rama, Ontario and see what they say. Good Luck and hope it works out for you. Tight lines Peace
  19. also to add to my first question..... Does anyone have any good little back lakes, river or streams in that area they could recommend. I'll be around the Matachewan Kirland Lake, Gowagana, Gogama, Shining Tree area... Any info wold be much appreciated... Thanks Peace
  20. Thanks for all the help and opinions guys, I'm going to go out shopping for one this weekend and will let you know what I go with. May even pick one up for myself, as it never hurts to have an extra rod or 4 Peace
  21. The Quantum Array™ Spinning Reel is on sale at Crappy tire for $35.99 from $59.99 and the Resource Spinning Rod, 7-ft is on sale at Crappy tire for $39.99 from $69.99 Opinions? Rod Link: http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...252C%2B7-ft.jsp Reel Link: http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...eel.jsp#reviews
  22. Thanks for the info. What store would you say is better and cheaper? Bass Pro or LeBaron?
  23. Looking to buy a fishing rod or two for my old man. We'll be fishing for mostly pike and walleye and bass. I don't want to spend lots of money on a rod that he will only use once or twice a year. What's a good average rod and reel to buy? Are the rod and reel combos that Crappy Tire have any good for $20 or $30 or should I buy the rod and reel seperate? Also what's a good mutil-fish fishing line and lb test you guys recommend putting on this reel I'm about to buy? Something that he can use for all types of fishing....crankbaits and live bait....he's not the type to switch rods for different types of fish....something easy for him, but also good quality. Much appreciate the info Peace
  24. Hey guys. Wondering if anyone has any information on my fishing trip this summer. I'm going up to Argyle Lake Lodge in August. Argyle Lake is in Matachewan, Ontario. Just west of Kirkland Lake (about 45 mins). Has anyone ever fished this lake? The lake has Pike, Pickerel, Smallies and Perch. Any tips on fishing the lake or any information is much appreciated. Or any info about the actual lodge. Also if anyone has any info on any lakes/rivers/creeks in that area of Ontario, I'm all ears. I'd be willing to drive and explore the area if I can get into some native trout or some nice little lakes. Thanks for the info. Peace
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