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About FishingDoofus

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  1. What search phrase or words did you use? (When I searched nothing like that came up). And what you found, arent they talking about directly fishing from the shore? I mean do panfish, pike, or carps really go down to 30+ feet of water several hundred feet from shore in Lake Ontario?
  2. What type of fish are present in Lake Ontario near Kingston's shorelines (more specifically from Collins Bay to Millhaven area)? Last time we went out (several hundred feet from shore off of Nicholson's Point) the fish finder picked up several fish down between 15ft - 40ft of water (and also what appeared to be possibly schools of bait fish, or random debris?). I'm wondering what type of fish are present to this area? And at depths up to 60 feet of water? Has anyone here fished in Lake Ontario near Kingston? And if so, what have you typically caught out there?
  3. So my first thread was locked, you cant be serious. I asked about shore fishing spot recommendations, not a detailed map of Area 51. Thats a bit silly and bit immature dont you think. And to the statement "You can get the help you need by extending an invitation to hostfish or offer to supply food/drink/gas money if they host the trip." Sure, I'll get right on that, I see nothing wrong with going to remote location in the middle of nowhere with someone I have no clue who they are, yeah, thats not asking for me end up in their freezer Bernardo/Dahmer style.
  4. Anyone have suggestions of shore fishing spots in Kingston (or within a 20 min drive radius)? I've gone to: Brewers Locks (just above Sunbury road) and fish off the little bridge or near the locks on both sides. Normally this is a great spot for tons of panfish like sunfishes and bluegills, but this year there hasnt been much luck. There's tons and tons of minnows there, so they are well fed and not biting. A year ago I caught a 12 pound bowfin, and some okay sized largemouth and crappie, but I havent seen any this year, at all. Dog lake, next to the beach/point, right down to the end of Wellington Street in Battersea. Again great spot for pan fish and a few small large mouth, but nothing was biting this year. I tried to find other spots on Dog Lake but none are friendly for shore fishing (private property, no access, too much fast-full power boats zooming by, etc). Kingston Mills, near the locks, and that section in the back where the little water fall is. Last year I caught some pan fish. This year the only thing I caught was those annoying invasive species (the Goby's). Can anyone recommend any good spots to fish from shore? I'd like to catch a wide variety of fish, so I'm not really too picky.
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