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Posts posted by trapshooter

  1. Hahaha Simon, great report. Beep, Beep, Beep... Oops! :jerry:


    Glad we could finally get you up here for a day. Too bad there wasn't any big walleye in the mix, but let us know when you can come back and hopefully we can get you on a bigger walleye. Next time I'll let you wear my lucky ice fishing sun glasses :thumbsup_anim: Can't believe someone left that pair of performance eye wear on the ice. :blink:

  2. Hey Terry,


    We're catching all our walleye in 20-40 FOW at this time of the winter. I recall a temagami report from earlier this season where the OP said they got their walleye from 40'. Not long from now, however, the walleye will start to relate to shallower structure as they migrate towards spawning areas.


    I'd look for main points that extend into a basin (say 50' or deeper) and work the point in all depths looking for fish. Same goes if you can find a reef with deep water close by. Buckshot rattle spoons tipped with a minnow are a great search bait for walleye through the ice. Quick to get down to bottom, easy to fish and best of all, walleye love em.


    I'm far from a temagami expert though - I've only ever fished bass up there in the summer.


    Good luck.

  3. Awesome fish indeed, but Ben, wasn't that fish actullay caught a year or 2 ago ?? Seems to me I recall seeing that video clip quite awhile back.


    You are right lew, I believe it was the summer of 2007.


    Web-Fisherman - I'm not offended but then again I don't own the site and do not determine what is and what isn't acceptable/spam.


    As I mentioned before, Lac Seul is in Northwestern Ontario. The muskies in the lake are concentrated in the Eastern portion of lac Seul. The town of Sioux Lookout (where I live) is a great starting point with several lodges and access areas.


    Another interesting fact about muskie fishing on Lac Seul is that it is a CATCH AND RELEASE lake ONLY. Zero muskies kept, no matter what their size they all go back.


    I'd be happy to answer any other questions you have about Lac Seul. It truly is an incredible fishery.

  4. I'm pretty sure you're going to get a lot of replies like this :spam: seeing as this is your first post on the board and it is promoting your site.


    HOWEVER, that is an awesome Muskie caught by my friend and fellow guide, Nate Andrychuck on Lac Seul in Northwestern Ontario.

  5. ... you missed a pretty good day. Simon (limeyangler) was supposed to join us today for a day of walleye fishing on Lac Seul. However, freezing rain in the forecast kept Simon down in Dryden but Graham and I still hit the lake.


    We picked up some for the freezer and a few nice fish that went back down the hole. Lost a slush scoop and broke a rod too. Quite a day.


    Graham with a couple of nice fish.









    Mid day, my set line started to go slowly down and I set the hook into something solid. My PB Ice walleye 27" :thumbsup_anim:






    Sorry you couldn't make it today Simon. We'll have to make it up on the 17th. The big girls are still down there waiting for you.


    Tight lines all,



  6. I pretty much had my 'dream' day yesterday.


    Plan was to get up early and hit the morning walleye bite on Lac Seul. Three of us set out from Sioux Lookout on the sleds around 7:30.


    Shortly after 8 we were set up. Within 30 seconds of reaching bottom, the first walleye was on. The action was fast, lots of active fish around. Nothing very big, but by 11 we were limited out. (for those counting.... I had 1 fish at home in the freezer).




    So, it's 11am and we're limited out on walleye. It didn't take us long to decide that we should hit up a lake trout lake for the afternoon.


    The laker lake is called Big Vermillion and was a good 25 min sled ride from where we were on Lac Seul.


    We got set up again on Big V before noon. By the time my buddy even had a line in the water I had landed 2 small lakers. Action was extremely fast when we arrived.








    The spot is a reef close to an island that has a steep drop off to a large basin. Most fish came out of @ 40 FOW. Action was sporadic. They would turn on for 15 mins at a time and be chasing and hitting everything then someone hit the off switch and they'd start lazily following our baits but not hitting.






    My buddy Graham







    Graham with the last fish of the day.



    We fished until 5 and packed up. All the trout today were between 18 and 22" so nothing very big. I lost a hammer after it took a huge drag screaming run. Still thinking about that one. Tube jig was good today and so were gulp plastics on a jig head. Nothing on metal, spoons or Cicadas etc.


    Back at er this afternoon :thumbsup_anim:

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