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About derekadam

  • Birthday 06/22/1980

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. If you'd like to stay close to the border, Lake St. Clair has a great smallmouth fishery, and there's always the chance of "accidently" bringing in a muskie!!
  2. Nice looking fish, i'm also trying to land my first salmon this fall, I hope my first is as memorable as yours
  3. Great job on your first musky, proof that persistence does pay off!!! d
  4. Nice fish seaweed!! Does the vertical hold mentioned above apply to all sizes of muskie, or only those over a certain length? d
  5. Exactly what i've come to expect from your posts...I really need to hit simcoe at some point. Great report!!! d
  6. Great report and some really great pics, I especially like the one of the fish in the water. d
  7. It's been a few weeks since i've posted and in that time i've fished in a few different locations. First up is the most successful of the 3, the always productive Lake St. Clair. Got out for a couple hours on both Friday and Saturday and was rewarded with some nice smallies, a couple of hard fighting sheephead and even a silver bass thrown into the mix. You never really know what you're going to have bite the end of your line when you're out on LSC. Following are some of the highlights... A beautiful Friday morning, no other place i'd rather be than on the water Last weekend I took the family for some camping at Elora Gorge, some frinds and my little brother joined us. We were mostly there for the camping but wouldn't have been disappointed if the fish were biting too. Got out for an hour or two a couple of the days we were there. Nothing spectatular. Quite a few this size. My first brown trout, first fish from the salmon family actually!! The largest bass caught, a solo pic thus half a fish. Beautiful scenery nonetheless, and awesome weather. And a great first camping trip for Addison. Yesterday we decided to try out the Niagara River. About 5 hours of fishing and nothing to show for it except a decent tan, burned calories and some nice pics of the scenery. We started out above the falls. And ended at the whirlpool. The walk out would have been a lot more enjoyable had we memories of fish, but still a good day outdoors. Until next time. d
  8. I've never seen colour like that on a pike before, then again my lifetime total is 1 pike so i'm working with a fairly small sample size nice report d
  9. Some beauty looking fish there, great job d
  10. WOW!!! 4 1/2 hours, after putting in that much work it's too bad you didn't get a look at it, but a great story nonetheless d
  11. Great report, looks like some stiff competition!!
  12. Those are some great pics, congrats on the PB
  13. Got out on LSC last weekend while home visiting the family and the Grand yesterday so this is a combined report. Out on LSC we were working our usual spots in between Pike Cr. and the Puce River, water was a bit chopy but the fish were biting as usual. I find that especially when trolling bottom bouncers a little chop gives the bait some real nice action. Below are the largest of about 8 smallies that we boated. Just as we were about to call it a day my cousin Keith gets a fish on. Out on my little brothers boat we rotate so that everyone has an equal chance at landing fish, and it just happened to be my turn. As Keith is handing me the rod he says that he doesn't think it's a bass by the way it hit, maybe a Walleye. Never caught an eye before so I was pumped. As soon as he hands it over the fish starts ripping line. Little bro is behind be telling me to tighten the drag, but he can't feel this fish pull so I ignore him. After a great fight that lasted a little more than 5 minutes the fish finally surfaces. My first muskie!!! Measured 35" and we figure 10-15lbs, maybe the musky guys on here can help me speculate on its weight. Released after only 20-30 secs out of the water. All fish we caught on worm harnesses baited with minnows trolled on bottom bouncers. The fish on the Grand were much smaller of course, but I love being out on the water on a day like yesterday nonetheless. I'm fairly new to the Grand but the water seems very low, I remember being out there this time last year and there seemed to be a lot more water and a lot more fish. We managed 3 small bass using mostly small spinners. Next weekend it's back to LSC and hopefully a new PB muskie!! d
  14. I love me some Lake St. Clair, heading up that way myself this weekend...Hell of a nice fish man!!! d
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