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Everything posted by Yellow14
That's what I figured but the sign gave me pause. Plus I had left my roe at homes so would've been using spoons on a baitcaster, not sure if that would work on salmon in shallow creeks.
Hi Everyone I've been away for a while and just got back into fishing now that my kids are a bit older. My wife is out of town and my kids are in school so I took the day off and headed to the tribs to the east of Toronto. First place was a trib near Markham that is reputed to have salmon, browns and Rainbows, so far nothing south of a dam on this waterbody. After this I headed to a related trib of the above and parked in a park/conservation area and made my way to the water. Here I found a number of salmon but maybe 10 meters away there was a sign "Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program". Now Atlantics are OOS in this zone and am standing there wondering if they are atlantics or pacifics, I was unwilling to take my chances at fishing here in because I just know that if I do a CO will appear as if by magic just as I land the fish and before I ID it. Is there a way to tell from the behavior? From the MNR stats for these waters they were most likely a pacific species on this trib but it is also one of the waters that is being stocked for atlantics. I was actually looking for brook trout spots and stumbled on the salmon by accident.
I have a number of Rapalas but I also really like Bomber crankbaits
As far as I know Apple hasn't invented the iFishfinder USB yet, but give them time. If they can make money from the idea it'll be out by Christmas.
Now all they need is the Apple iFish Finder USB attachment for the iPhone and I am all set.
The winds were close to that for sure. I was hoping Scugog island would have provided some shelter from the wind for Caesarea but no luck.
I was planning to try fishing off Caesarea pier and some other locations in Port Perry for panfish and possibly a walleye. My Fiance decided she wanted to come with me so we headed out at around 8:30, it was cool and the forecast was for it to stay that way more or less so we brought extra jackets. Crossing the causeway I noticed there were only two people fishing which was odd, and then I noticed the waves, it was pretty rough but we persisted on to Ceasarea after getting some worms and a couple black bucktail jigs from the baitshop, apparently they are working really well on Scugog this season. Once we made it to Caesarea and parked the wind was howling. I watched three boats try to launch off the dock and only one made it with the other two giving up. The one that made it looked like he was having second thoughts too once he was on the water. My fiance was already freezing after about five minutes and I had my doubts about catching anything but I had to try. I made a few casts which must have sailed 50 metres thanks to the winds and then gave up as I didn't expect much action and even I was getting cold. We are going to try again next weekend, hopefully the winds will be lighter.
It was a nice day so I went down the street to try some spots around Bluffer's Park. About 20 minutes in I hooked a log or something and lost my favourite Mepp's Cyclops. I happened to see a pike sitting between some rocks just a few feet of the rocks and tried to get it to bite using a perch X-rap I had. I practically delivered the lure to the fish repeatedly and it would not bite. After a few minutes of trying another, bigger pike came swimming up and I figured for sure one of the pikes will go for the lure. When the original pike saw the new pike show up it decided to head for deeper water with the new pike right on it's tail. About 20 minutes later the original pike returned and went right back to the rocks it was sitting in before. I tried a few other lures and finally the pike got annoyed and left. This area was fairly shallow for pike I thought so I moved to the mouth of the marina and other than some carp and one tern that thought my lure was a fish and took a dive at it, I didn't see anything of note. I am still trying for my first pike. I am heading up to Kirkland lake in late June so maybe I will have some luck with those there country pike, because the city pike are just too sophisticated for my meager fishing skills.
Well there are probably about as many different knots as there are fish in the sea but it seems like most people have a favourite knot that they use more than any other. I used to use the improved clinch all the time but after losing a couple of my heavier lures I switched to a palomar knot and use that even when I should probably be using something else.
Thanks, I saw it noted in the exceptions so I figured it was zone 20 for that reason. I figured there was no harm in confirming it here just in case I was reading it wrong as I doubt a CO would be too understanding if I had misread it.
Just want to make sure I have the right zone. From the regs I am lead to believe that Frenchman's Bay is zone 20, which would put the pike in season. It would be bad if I hauled in a pike only to find out that it is in fact part of zone 17. Otherwise I guess I will just fish for panfish.
I didn't notice at the time but it looks like the chinook jizzed on my leg.
I have a couple of furballs walking around eating food I pay for and making me clean their litter box. If they can help me catch a salmon or steelhead then I won't feel so used by them. I thought about using one of em as muskie bait after it barfed on my bed after just putting new linens on it but I figured I would get in trouble with the OSPCA.
I am in need of some flys and want to tie some of my own. I also happen to have a surplus of cat fur this time of year at home. Has anyone ever tried using cat fur for flys and how did it work out? Please, I am just trying to be creative here with my materials.
Was out with DMASSE and a couple other OFNers. Fishing was pretty good with some cohos, chinooks and rainbows pulled in. DMASSE has all the pics and will be posting them shortly, I think he landed about a dozen fish all by himself.
It was a great day on the water. I figure Dmasse would have caught more had we stayed in the weeds in the northern part of Rice lake, as it was we tried a few other spots but no where was as productive as the area just to the weedy area to the north-east of Serpent Mound where we started out.
I've been looking around a bit and have found some information sites on muskie and pike fishing. They have all the usual stuff including some of the gear to get started but they don't really get into what to look for in gear and why. I have been doing mostly bass fishing so this is a new area for me. Hopefully I can benefit once again from the accumulated knowledge of this board. So what are the qualities of a good muskie rod and reel, what are the features that I should look for and what should should I avoid? Right now pricing and brands aren't that important since like many sports ideal equipment is very much a personal choice, someone might be happy with a $50 dollar setup while another might spend $300 and feel the price was worth every penny.
I am just wondering what people think of eating the fish out of Scugog. I tell people that I am fishing Scugog and there is definitely a perception by some that the fish are not safe to eat. The carp scare can't really account for this because some of the people I talk to have had this belief for years. The Fishing Ontario guidelines indicate that you can eat the same fish in about the same amounts as say Buckhorn and Pigeon but still there is this attitude that Scugog equals bad fish.
Now the question is if there was a Conservation Officer around would they have fined you for using a bass as bait to catch muskie?
Hmm, I guess it would have to be Wynn Lake. Why, what's going on at Wynn Lake? It's not the only fish I am after, I will be just as happy with a pike or good size walleye or bass.
Hi everyone Well I am planning to go up to Kirkland Lake around the 17th of August and I just learned that the Aurora Trout fishery is open this year from August to mid-October. Apparently it is only open one year out of 3 in the area or something along those lines. I figure this is my chance to catch a pretty uncommon fish but would like some advice on what bait or lures to use on this fish since I mostly fish for bass.
People that show up with their kids to fish from shore and then let their kids throw rocks into the water near where you are trying to fish. People that stick every fish they catch into a bucket for a couple hours before deciding not to keep them and then throw them back in the water once they are dead. People that think the proper release technique is throwing the fish 10 meters through the air back into the water. Girlfriends that beg you to take them fishing but then are bored after 20 minutes and in order to keep themselves amused insist on trying a new lure every 10 minutes, but want you to remove the old lure and put on the new one for them. They also want to go home just when the walleye are starting to get active at night.
I find it odd that with all the bass fishing in Ontario that so far nobody has listed bass as a favourite fish to eat.
Thanks everyone for your advice on lures and fishing spots. I look forward to testing it all out this weekend hopefully.
Thanks CCMT, I noticed that fishing off the causeway was less weedy than I had expected and also that is surprisingly deep in some spots as well. I will give a crankbait a try this weekend probably.