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About amberjackjack

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  1. Hello fellow anglers, I have decided to try my hand at a side project to build apps for fishermen. If you are a fishing charter captain or run guiding tours, it would be really cool if you could take a few minutes to fill the linked questionnaire (hosted on Google Docs). There are 14 questions in total. You could probably complete it in less than a minute. https://docs.google....m?usp=send_form I would be happy to keep you updated on what I build. If you like, feel free to leave your email address at the bottom of the questionnaire and I will respectfully be sure to only contact you if/when appropriate. Much thanks in advance! EDIT: In answer to fishindevil's question - no, this is not an ad for Google. I am just an independent programmer, who hates his day (office) job, and hoping to get into building apps for fishermen. I am a fisherman myself here in Ontario. I have a boat on Scugog and was at Balsam for several years fishing for mostly bass and walleye. I am hoping to provide services to fishing charters and guides, hence the survey to do some research. Thanks!
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