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Canada Goose

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  1. As you can see, he signed the email "cronzy", but his email came from darryl choronzey" <[email protected]> So, thats how he signed his name. Ask him yourself.
  2. Well, its always on the side that falls on the floor, silly! Oh, and while you are at it, would you mind telling this guy that this fish isn't a bass...
  3. Did anyone happen to see the program yesterday where they were catching lakers on Lake Nipigon??? After watching Darryl Cronzy lift a forty pound laker by the gills to hold it up for the camera, his partner attempted to release it while shoving it back and forth in the water. While doing this, blood started gushing from the fish's gills and instantly the camera faded out. They re-shot from a different angle (viewers not able to see the fish) and they claimed it swam off recuperated. NOT A CHANCE!!!. In complete disgust, I sent show host Mr Darryl Cronzy a letter last night. Suffice to say I was not surprised by his response this morning. Here are a cut and paste of my e-mail and his response. I will be forwarding it to the WFN. I'm also wondering if this is a reportable offence to the authorities in Ontario and who would be the right people to contact regarding this matter. My Letter: Attn Darryl Cronzy. Today, I caught the tail end of your program on WFN where you were fishing for lakers on Lake Nipigon. I was shocked to watch you hoist that 40 pound laker by the gill plate out of the net for the camera photo op prior to your partner releasing the fish. I was disgusted, but not surprised to see the resulting blood gushing from the fish's gills just prior to the camera quickly fading out of the shot. Interestingly, the next shot was from a poor angle where we (the viewer) could not see the fish swim off successfully from the said "4 - 5 minute revival". There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that fish did not survive. This is a completely unacceptable way to handle any sport fish, especially a great old laker that's probably more than forty years old. As an angler, you have the duty to release all fish in a careful manner that gives them the best chance at recuperation. Hanging them from your meat hooks inside their gill plate is very far from being careful and no doubt results in unacceptably high mortality rates. As the host of a fishing show aired across the country, you have the added responsibility of handling your fish properly so viewers don't get the impression this practice is acceptable because it is not!! I have seen this ' gill hoisting ' crap many times in past episodes and it's time for it to stop. If you truly care about the resource as you claim, fish handling etiquette should, and will become an integral part of your show. Right now, it does not exist. I sincerely hope you consider breaking this poor habit of yours and start releasing your fish properly Darryl. His response from "darryl choronzey" <[email protected]>: dear disgusted. i've been raising and breeding fish, stripping fish in hatcheries and the wild and lifting fish for 40 years...gill lifts do not hurt fish if they are hoisted properly, the fish was not bleeding and the fish did swim away healthy and safe...feel free to tune in to any other shore of your liking....or better yet get your own show cronzy (Nice grammar and punctuation, there Cronzy)
  4. Actually I have been a lurker here and there - mainly when I realized that some of our lakes here were polluted with Bass. I had to come over to an Eastern fishing board to get some tips on how to eradicate them. And thanks to you bass 'tards, I was able to slay alot. So thanks for that. Do you guys know that other girl from Ontario thats on there? Shes pretty hot and I'd like her phone number, thanks.
  5. The World Fishing Network has the Adopt an Angler contest (lots of Ontario fishers on there) and thought I would ask for a vote from ya. Im a B.C girl and could you imagine the gas I would have to fork out to come get the first prize boat and drag it back here. So if I won it, I would just sell it to some unsuspecting Ontarioan for $5000 or less :whistling: You can vote here - http://www.wfn.tv/rogers/archives.php?page=2 Im currently orphan #15, but with your help, I'll be moving on up in the ranks! Thanks! Serena Debolt Sooke, BC Deprived Angler Disorder Case # 1mm7pf - Please help me get cured
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