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Dave VanDoorn

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About Dave VanDoorn

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  1. Good morning Moose, I just read and looked through your pictures and loved them all. Wierd thing is the picture of the house with the caption of " Taken care of family first" really hit home for me. Great shots and even a better read. Thank you for sharing that. Dave
  2. Hi all, New to the board. I'm going to spend 3 weeks in the Sioux Narrows area this summer with my wife and kids. Hopefully the toothy critters will be there as well. Dave
  3. Hi Now that trips my trigger. Dave
  4. Hi all, I'm new here and like the site a whole bunch. My question is has anyone heard if Yamaha has plans for a 4stroke in the 125 to 135 hp range. This would fill a hole in their line up between the 115 and 150. thanks Dave
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