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Posts posted by Tybo

  1. I have the new dewalt like brian said. It is twice the power of the drill I burnt. The new one says 820 uwo{unit watts out} which in turn is a better system to measure torque.

    Inch pound torque is measured at the highest stall rating and uwo is a  measurement at spin torque. What the difference is I don't know.

     I do know that the new drill with adaptor will cut threw 12 inches of ice on a fb3  very well and with a swedebore 6 like butter.

  2. Been a bit. Hope Christmas went well and a Happy New Year.

    Things are good on this side. Hope to get  ice fishing soon and get together with friends  I haven't seen for sometime.

    An hope too make some new ones.

    We should have a meat and greet on Nipp again this ice season?

  3. Jo-anne Tyborski. Joey have past away early Wednesday morning do to liver and kidney failure.

    Joey has lost her long time struggle with liver decease.


    There will be a small get together on Sat the 18 between 2 and 4 at my house.


    For whom wants to contact me,My number is 1-647-328-2035.


    Always remembered, Never forgotten,




    R.I.P Joey

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