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About droopdude

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  1. Here is something to mull over. This is for the 2004-2005 academic year. http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/seri...s/resources.pdf
  2. Don't fish off the causeway as you will get a ticket.
  3. I use one of these. http://www.atlanticego.com/
  4. The problem with towing in OD with an automatic is that the engine RPM is to low, thus the pump speed is too low and not enough transmission fluid is circulated around the transmission to keep it cool under a towing load. A transmission cooler should help, but I would still follow the manufactures recommendations. It has been a few years, so the details are fuzzy, but I do know that older GM trucks (80s and early 90s with 700R4 and 4L60) had I think a 7 vane transmission pump which was poor at the best of times. The newer transmissions have a 13 vane pump (4L60E?) which improves performance at lower RPM. To get around all of these problems, buy a truck with a stick shift.
  5. I put a split ring over the r-bend then attach my snap.
  6. I would look into a Garmin. Here is why: http://www.ibycus.com/ibycustopo/ Free topo maps for most of Canada. This will save you well over $100. Here is a good website discussing handheld GPS units. http://forums.groundspeak.com/gc/
  7. Nice job. When you take your tree down, build one of these.
  8. There's your problem. Street tires on an Offroad? Did it come form the factory that way? When it is time for new tires, take a look at the Bridgestone Dueler Revo A/Ts or BF Goodrich All Terrain T/As. http://www.1010tires.com/tire.asp?tirebran...eler+A%2FT+Revo http://www.1010tires.com/tire.asp?tirebran...ain+T%2FA%AE+KO
  9. Burning off the insulation is illegal and the scrap dealer may refuse to take it afterward.
  10. I was there last weekend and it is $11.50.
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