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Posts posted by fish_finder

  1. So, with the intense cabin fever pounding away, it was clearly time to escape!! This was our first trip out this year, and quite nice!! Kurto and a buddy, Tim joined me for the trip. We all expected to be a little rusty after a few months of tying instead of fishing!


    We headed here for a sunny day of fun!!






    After a stroll of 20 minutes or so, we parked ourselves on a stretch of river about 500 meters long, moving up and down, all around.






    After an hour or so.......FISH ON!!!






    Quite the battle ensued. I left the very tip of my 7wt on a different river last fall.....so I was using my 5wt. But finally, my buddy Tim dove in a scooped her out of her humble swamp.






    And the release!!




    Great way to start the season!!!!



  2. Kids have always been 'bad' or 'mouthy'. It'll never change, and why should it. It develops independance, and allows the little buggers to come to their own conclusions about how they should act. Surely most, when confronted by this kind of obscenity will think about it and think twice next time. The cop on the other hand is committing an injustice to the public, and to the police force as a whole....not just his precinct, state (province), country, etc.....'Bad' cops have always been bad, and that particular guy is the epitome of it. I'm sure he has excuses, but that video, and many others that were posted as well give perfect reason for kids, or adults to lose respect and faith in an organization that is designed to 'protect' and 'serve' the public. Its is true, also, that you don't see many 'good' cop videos....are there any???? If that we're you or me 'demanding' respect and beating a kid down to get it, we'd be put in jail......

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