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Posts posted by singingdog

  1. Riddle me this?

    WHY you looking for warm water??


    Some days, a few degrees warmer makes all the difference. Not just warm-water species. I have been on trout lakes where a 1 or 2 degree rise in temps is the difference between getting bit and casting.


    as my father used to say they loose thier teeth until mid August.


    People still believe that?

  2. I'm going to be in the Mansfield area on Saturday morning, looking to get on the water. I am thinking of the Nottawasaga. Anybody fishing there lately? Any other possibilities in the area? Any info would be appreciated: PM me if you prefer.

  3. The last couple of outings on area lakes have been great for lake trout: 58 degrees on the surface, lots of fish.....no trolling! I don't know how many folks I have talked to that are out over 40-80' of water, slow trolling 20-40' down for trout. Meanwhile, I am casting spoons and bucktail jigs into 5-10' of water, right against the bank, and hammering the fish. I sat in a bay on Saturday and watched 2 boats out on the main lake go fishless for 2 hours while the shallow-water bite was amazing. It seems like lots of folks have one mindset for lake trout: slow trolling. When the water temps are below 60 degrees, you may catch way more fish - and definitly cover way more water - casting for them.

  4. Still sounds to me like border guards doing their job. Imagine that; you told them you were harmless and they didn't just enter that into the computer and wave you through with a smile every subsequent time that you showed up. :rolleyes: I'm sure that the folks that they are trying to catch never thought to try that same tactic; "Hey, let's pretend that we are going down for 'training' then they won't hassle us at the border."


    I imagine this thread would have a very different tone if we were talking about the smuggler or terrorist that got through the border using exactly the same story that you are describing: letter from employer, story about frequent training in the states, harmless looking middle-aged guy with no visible ties to a criminal group. Folks would be ranting about how stupid the border guards were for falling for such a transparent ploy.

  5. I'm really curious as to how the information got to the police, or to the owners of TomTom. Most GPS units don't send information at all: just recieve it. A GPS unit is just a radio receiver, reading radio signals from satellites, then interpreting the signal to tell you where you are. The GPS unit doesn't send information out unless it is specifically designed to transmit that information to some service like OnStar.

  6. A good friend of mine is the manager of a private reserve encompassing about 70,000 acres, with over 50 lakes. None of the lakes is actually private and all fishing regs, including slot limits, are enforced by the MNR.


    It is extremely rare in Ontario for a lake to be private. Owning the land around a lake does not make it private. Occasionally, land will get surveyed in such a way that the landowner ends up paying tax on the actual surface area of the lake. In that case, the lake itself may be considered private. Otherwise, lakes are public property.


    In the case of of Cranberry, it looks like you could paddle into it from the Prov Park to the west. If someone were to paddle into it through navigable waterways, they would be well within their rights to do so.

  7. any Minden or Haliburton updates?


    It's going out fast. 3 days ago; hardly any open water. Yesterday (it's still dark) several lakes had opened up completly and the remaining ice is very dark. I was out on Horseshoe yesterday, and it's mostly ice free. Mountain still has lots, but it is very dark.

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