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Carpe Diem

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About Carpe Diem

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Net Attendant

Net Attendant (3/10)



  1. Does fishing pressure mean a place that gets fished alot?
  2. Can it be put in the Blue Box for recycling? Brought mine home fishing the other night, and that's what i did with it. Like Pamela's ideas better though.
  3. Fishing World at 2411 Barton St. East, (near Centennial Parkway), has a Bait Shop that opens at 5:30 am. Don't know if they have leeches but they definitely have other live baits. Here is the # (905)-573-1869
  4. Point taken FishHeadRic. Hopefully the fish will survive the experience. I'm not saying i have a problem with the use of live bait. Just that i cannot manually do the impaling myself.
  5. Art; Wow, and thanks.
  6. DouG; wouldn't pay to see Pavarotti, but i know a lot of people did. They got their money back, but he disappointed them. Suspected snobbery, not the sniffles or whatever he said it was. Bothers me sometimes how others see Hamilton. Many hidden treasures here.
  7. Thank you so much everyone. Will give it all a try eventually. I agree wholeheartedly Canuck2fan, about taking kids out fishing. Want to increase their chances of a catch even more so, because they are excited about going. FishFinder; can't put a worm on a hook because it's gotta hurt. As for minnows, the book i mention in my introduction says that there is no proof that fish actually feel pain but...... And, i went to "Buddha School". Buddhist Meditation Classes at a Temple here in Hamilton. Guess it makes me hypocritical to be okay with using salted minnows.
  8. For what it's worth because i'm a beginner, i will tell you what i know. There are spots to shore fish from in that park. They call it Bayfront Park now by the way. There are carp, and sheepshead in there for sure. I'm told that the carp fishing is kinda over until September though. Have heard there are bass but haven't seen any. Have seen small pike caught by ice fishermen. There is a Carp Barrier in place on the trail alongside the water. The carp had gotten so large and so plentiful that they had stripped the underwater vegetation. Bad carp! Of course this affected the other fish who used to hang out there. At the barrier the fish are sorted and a record is made of the numbers of each species. The count is actually posted for public view. The carp are not harmed. Just not allowed to pass through. Tossed back on the other side. Anyway, there are free public tours a couple times a day. You can watch this all being done. Very interesting to watch. Educational for the kids. The waterfront is quite lovely. You will see plenty of people fishing there. Plenty of people walking by on the trail during summer evenings, but not too busy early mornings, weekdays, or when summer ends. The trail runs right alongside the water. There are places more private than others. Long story short, i will PM you some of the locations i know about.
  9. Thanks Sinker. Would love to fish up in your neck of the woods someday. Should have mentioned i can't use live bait. No problems with anyone who chooses to though. Just can't do it myself. So guess what i should be asking about is lures, or anything else not living. Thanks.
  10. CCMT; no offence taken. It was finally laughing at myself that made it possible to stay out there as long as i did. Rich; so it gets better? Thanks for the encouragement. Cliff; thanks for reminding me about the pantyhose. Duh. Do they still make make pantyhose? Greencoachdog; What is a nightcrawler? Do they make artificial ones? Photoz kindly brought me a lifetime supply of maize. Didn't know catfish like it too. Steve; Should have taken notes or recorded what you taught me about casting. My spool is pretty full so that could be part of the problem. The guys were just being generous i guess. Won't complain because they didn't charge me for either spool. Also not sure how the front drag works. Will find a beach to practice on as you suggested. fatherof3; Amazing how those posts add up. Enjoying this message board very much. Much more than fishing tips to be found on here. Thanks all for the encouragement. It is much appreciated.
  11. How do you get one of the brown arrows beside the topics posted on the General Discussion Board? Thanks.
  12. Amazing!!!! Thank you so much for posting this Rick. I loved it. Almost undetectable, but actual warm emotion from Simon Cowell. Rare. Positive feedback rare from the other stuffy English judge too. (the blonde guy, have never seen the woman before) And his voice. Unbelievable. Once he started singing, thought it must be some kind of prank or something. Have a recording of that song which is one of my favorites. Not a huge opera fan but love Puccini. The louder the better. He has an absolutely incredible voice, as good as the artist on my CD.(Called Mad About Puccini i think) Pavarotti who? Book this guy for Hamilton Place. Maybe he will at least show up.
  13. Rick; The bug thing. (LOL) Who knew fishermen were so funny? Also, Net Attendant???? Did i get some kind of promotion i don't know about? How does that happen? Thanks.
  14. Tonight, not so much. Felt more like a really bad episode of I Love Lucy. Went to a secret location in the Hamilton area in search of catfish. Chose the evening bite. Maybe a fish ate my bait, but i wouldn't have known if there was anything on the other end of the line anyway, because i couldn't get the tension right, and i kept losing line. Lots and lots of line.(Actually my fishing pole looked way too bendy before i even cast into the water. Am thinking the weight i had on is too heavy for my 7 foot pole.) Feared breakage. Almost jumped out of my skin when some kind of siren blared, looked down a little and saw the footprint of my new fancy fishing shoes in some liver I had so lovingly prepared for the elusive catfish. That was a good tip, to use the liver raw but semi- deteriorated and stinky. Think i left mine out in the elements too long because it didn't want to stay on the hook. Tried some shrimp too. No bites (i think), but at least it stayed on. Used a cheap plastic container to transport the liver. (Grocery store Glad- Ware) You definitely get what you pay for, because now have some of the blood inside my favorite knapsack. Won't do that again either. Oh ya, and the bugs. How do you people drink, hold a fishing pole, and swat bugs all at the same time? This went on for what felt like hours. (at least two) At one point I noticed a group of guys, who had just docked their boat sort of over my shoulder, and behind me, staring over at me because i was now swearing like a trooper. That just broke the stress i was feeling and made me laugh out-loud, to myself. (i was alone) I'm sure they thought i was some kind of lunatic. Saw them later in the parking lot. In my haste to get out of there (embarrassed) accidentally kicked up a little dust at them. Sorry boys. So basically, when it started getting dark decided to call it a night. This is my first report. No fish were caught so not sure if it counts. Over and out.
  15. Those are two very pretty fish. Just about the size i am hoping to catch. Soon. Thanks for sharing. Didn't know about fishing at Valens.
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