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Posts posted by BUSTER

  1. He had really interesting info on the 911 incident.Witnesses claiming hearing 3 different explosions before the plains hit the towersmellow.gif And the metal leftover being scrapped and recycled so fast after the cleanup. Before forensics had a chance to analyze it. Makes you wonder.dunno.gif

    But it's not really of any importance is it...

    Wiki leaks is probably all lies too :blahblah1:

  2. Thanks Doug.

    Of course I would never ever want to be perceived as acting silly on a thread of such immense importance and serious consequence.I mean it's Jesse Ventura on TV after all and I would never want " the grassy knoll crowd " to think that I don't give tremendous weight to their astute observations on how the poor unenlightened masses are being led to their inevitable doom.

    I mean it's Jessie Ventura on tv after all,, :wallbash: ya thats what it's about...

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