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  1. Looking to purchase a new unit , any suggestons / tips? Was considering a Lowrance LCX-38C, anyone used this model? Cheers, frost
  2. Damn ,looks like a super trip , congrats!! Cheers, Frost
  3. Very sorry to hear, Prayers to your family Frost
  4. Heya, I spent a summer down that way a couple years ago in St. John. Around that time of year , there should be lots and lots of striped bass running the watersheds. I never tried down around St. George, but the St. John river had an incredible run of stripers. I fished right below the reversing falls lookout, I think in 4 outings we caught around 25-30 fish, and saw I think MAYBE 2 others fishing. In the 6 months + I was down that way, I met only a handful of people that fish with rod and reel in the area, most people that fish there use either 100 feet of 1/2 rope with a concrete block, and dozens of hooks held up with a massive float bigger than a beach beach, and leave it all night, or huge commercial boats lol........ Keep in mind , alot of the rivers are tidal, so when fishing when the water is rising , or dropping , there is a TON of current . The St. John goes from being a lazy , slack current river , to 6 foot white water when the tide moves, It's pretty awesome to see. So in this crazy current , and the possibility of 60 lb bass on your line , bring some heavy gear. I had a medium heavy setup and 20lb test , and it was barely enough. Be sure to go see Black's Harbour, real nice spot. Work sent us on a charter out of there, caught a bunch of different types of fish , saw lots of whales and seals. Make sure to bring some of your own tackle along if the charter was anything like the one we took. I figured charter boat , ok same as here , and theyd have piles of tackle etc...., the guy gave us unpainted leadhead jigs , and put cigarette foil on them lolol..... I'm positive if I'd have had some decent plastic baits/ jigging gear we would have caught a ton, as the crude stuff the guy gave us to use actually worked . We caught mackeral , and various other bottom feeders, one called a scalpin i think it was, looked like a cross between a huge toad , a porcupine , and a dinosaur, ugly dude, hehe Anyhow , good luck , lemme know if you have any other questions. Cheers Frost
  5. I have the Princecraft version , called the corsica, have used it for Great lakes fishing for over 10 years now, always been a great boat , decent in rough water, but I agree with gettin a kicker with the price of gas these days... I stuck a 4 stroke 9.9 on mine and can troll for hours for a few bucks compared to main engine, Cheers, Frost
  6. As much as I hate paying these prices , and knowing how much is tax, A guy at work brought up a point the other day..... how many of us drop into the corner or grocerie store and WITHOUT even thinking pay 1.25 to 2.00 $ for a litre of , in some cases plain old well or tap water thats been run thru a reverse osmosis , or some other type of simple water treatment and slapped into a 2 cent plastic bottle lol... In some cases, gas you're getting starts in Venezuala etc, supertanked thousands of miles to the refinery process, these being multi billion dollar facilities, then transported to your local station, and it's less in most cases per litre than your local groundwater stuck into a plastic bottle. I know this doesn't come close to explaining the gouging , but does make me feel a weeeee bit better when i get fired up over a 95$ a tank fillup on my truck hehe =)
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