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About Angel_Fish

  • Birthday 06/28/1976

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  • Location
    Southern Ontario
  • Interests
    Fishing, Camping and Cooking

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  1. That's what I like to hear!! Often, when the man and I are going for walks in the off season and we see people clearly targeting and poaching fish out of season in sanctuaries we stop and try to educate them ourselves. I find the lack of officials in our area appauling, but we definitely do our part to conserve every species. Thanks to everyone who helps along their travels to educate...new and established Canadians alike!
  2. Sorry my photo bucket link didn't work.
  3. My man and my best friend decided to do one last stint out on Simcoe this weekend. We went out to a favourite spot of "lickmyarmpit" that he had marked on his GPS at the beginning of the ice season. It wasn't a far walk, but being a typical female I razzed him about if he even knew where he was going, how far it was and are we there yet? Hahaha. It a mental game I like to play when we go fishing. We all know I am gonna get the big one in the end..... Finally, he says "This is it" and I start baiting up my Ugly Stick. The boys are drilling some holes and typically, I am the last one to the auger. Urghhh, this is the part I hate. I have barely any coordination to turn this damn thing. I take a few turns and he takes a few turns and then my best friend finishes it off. Gotta love the men in my life, they are so accomodating!! The boys and I are all set up and its pretty beautiful out. The sun is shining and its about 3 degrees outside. We minnow up our lines and the race is on. Its always a contesrt with these two! They both come out of the gates, bite after bite and I am left jigging after they both pull up at least 8-10 perch. I'm not saying they were huge perch, but catching is definitely more fun than jigging. Agreed? About an hour into it, I finally get a bite and pull up a little bugger. Sheeesh, really? I toss it back, its puney and the fish gods are obviously angry with me. I start to pray...seriously! I catch another and this one is a keeper, I can't have no fish in my pile as the boys already have enough meat for Good Friday dinner. I merely have a snack at this point. I am getting bite after bite and can't seem to hook this fish. I am thinking its a herring as my man hooked one about 30mins earlier and it certainly doesn't feel like a puney perch, which by the way is all that seems to be coming up the boys holes. Another bite and the rod tip goes down, I let the fish at the other end get a good hold of it as I have lost a few already from being over zealous.....the rod tip jerks down and I almost lose hold of it. I snap my Ugly Stick up and I got him! Whats this?? My drag is screaming a little...off of a perch? I must have a herring too, I think to myself. I finally reel this fish up to the hole and wouldn't you know it....Perchzilla. 12.5" and a fatty to boot! I am one lucky Angel. http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a640/angel_fish28/2013-03-24053302-2_zps41fbcfcc.jpg[/img]
  4. You remember me? Hahaha. That's my man!!
  5. I like this lake. Its always been hit or miss depending on what time of day, but we always seen to get into the Perch on Simcoe. Just this weekend we went to catch some Good Friday dinner and after watching my buddies catch little bugger after little bugger....I finally landed my 3rd perch. 12.5" too. Biggest one out of all us for the season. I always seem to catch just enough for dinner and the biggest one of the bunch. Boys, its a woman's intuition thing. I hope I can get out next weekend too!
  6. Hey Fellow Fishermen. I'm new to this site, but the man turned me on to many of your stories and I loved them!! It got me thinking.... about how awesome I am at catching the big one, when it counts. LoL. So here I am to share my fish tales with all of you. Stories and pics to follow! Conserve & Keep it Beautiful, Mo
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