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can u fish

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Posts posted by can u fish

  1. I have the Indy 500 hundred touring 2 up air cooled it is a 1999 purchased it new did a lot of trail riding for the first 4 years after that strictly used for ice fishing it is a great sled that requires very little maintenance it has never let me down.

  2. I fished that park many years ago as a youngster. I remember catching nice walleye & huge pike. Good to hear it is still a good fishery!

    The Verandrye was a very busy park back then it was always busy with American tourist and anglers coming from all different U.S states to enjoy the beautiful scenery camping and great fishing there are not many American tourist who frequent the park anymore it is mostly fished by the locals now and yes it is still a good fishery.


    Cheers Mitch.

  3. I fished La Verendrye from a very young age I spent all my summer vacation in Maniwaki as a young lad as we had a family cottage there and made quite a few trips to the park and fished many of the lakes the park has to offer I also had one of the best fishing guides La verandrye had to offer in my opinion with over 50 years of experience he was my Grandfather that being said I have not fished the park in the last twelve years but many members of my family still do I would recommend le Domaine for your boat rental and for camping and fishing Lac Nichcotea great wilderness camping and awesome walleye fishing and some great northern pike action you will also have access to lac Nicolet the Grand the Dusty and 9 mile lake as I said i have family that still fish these lakes and they tell me the fishing is still very good the only reason I do not fish the park anymore is I went on a Fly in trip 12 years ago and have been hooked on them ever since anyway I hope some of this info helps and if you have any more questions feel free to send me a Pm.


    Cheers Mitch...

  4. Looks like you boys had a great trip even though you had to contend with some nasty weather.

    We were in Wawa on a fly in with Parks Fly in Fishing the second week of September and the weather was also brutal but the Walleye fishing was awesome,thanks for the report and photos.


    Cheers Mitch...

  5. Hey guys I would like to thank you all for the info that I requested very much appreciated and as for the Motel Mike I have stayed in a few holes myself over the years it can not be any worse than the one we stayed in Nakina a few years back cant remember the name of it though it was right in front of the Airstrip we all slept with our close on lol.


    Just to let you know Mike i was speaking with Martin today and his daughter was having emergency surgery due to a severe fracture to her skull and it has created paralysis to the one side of her face he also told me she is going to pull through this and it will be a long road to recovery.

  6. Heading up to Wawa Friday for our annual fly in fishing trip, this year we are flying into Anjigaming Lake with Parks Fly in fishing will be flying out of Hawk Junction with Hawk Air for 7 days of peace and quite and awesome walleye fishing that Anjigaming has to offer.Now if my calculations are correct it is a 110 Kilometers shorter if I take Hwy 144 to the Sultan road instead of Hwy 17 so hopefully the Sultan Rd is as good a shape as it was last year on our trip to Chapleau I would like to hear from anyone who has been on the Sultan recently on what the conditions have been like and one last thing can anyone recommend a good restaurant In Wawa for dinner as we will be spending one night at the beaver motel before flying out.


    Thanks in advance Mitch....

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