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Posts posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. Hey Dog, I also have the MapCreate 6 for all of Canada. I loaded a series of retangles to cover anyplace I go, N, S, E & W, with plenty of space left over on one of those little cards. 1G's are pretty cheap and I picked up two.

  2. Aqua-Vu is a good unit. Go with opinions of TJ and TG, not some Duckhntr from mn.


    Only problem I have is that I fish mostly stained water. I've lined up some clear water fishing in coming weeks.


    Aqua-Vu holds up well in nasty weather. My salesperson sells both black underwater viewing systems and yellow underwater systems and he told me that ole yeller pees out when it rains. I'd welcome another opinion on that one.

  3. Gerritt, I've worn a fingers to elbow cast for the past 7 weeks and have 8 more days to go. I had the base joint fused in my right thumb. Just scraped and shaped the two bones, pushed them together and inserted two pins that were removed after 6 weeks. No bone, artificial bone or bone cement were used. The scraped bones knitted perfectly and now I should be good to go in a few weeks. The cartilidge was completely gone in the base joint of my right thumb. No problem except for pain when using the thumb.


    My whole deal was pretty much a sissy procedure. I hope the same for you. In your case and in mine also, I say the sooner the better. Those docs can do some great stuff.


    Best to you for a complete and early recovery on your procedure. Gotta have you ready for fishing.

  4. Fishbait, I'm going in May 12, a week before the walleye opener, and might go in earlier than the 12th. I'll bet your outfitter would switch you to an earlier date, but that would mean meals of beans and pike instead of walleyes. Arriving in camp before the usual opening might find you in camp before everything is fired up and ready, but that's OK.


    The pike will be big and fat right after the ice breaks up.

  5. I'll be spending time visiting some really nice people in NW Ontario. We'll spend a lot of time on the water and the catching will take care of itself. In May I'll share my boat with two special friends on the board that I'll be meeting for the first time.

  6. Beware. Docudramas are often mislabled as documentaries. Over a decade ago I was sucked in by viewing JFK, the movie. I let my guard down and was influenced. What a foolish experience for me. Of course it's a docudrama, but I allowed myself to lean toward seeing it as being true.


    A search for "Calendar of Significant Weather Events" for many locations can give us facts about what has been taking place weatherwise beginning in 1860 and they provide truth for us to digest. I'm not into allowing someone else process facts for me and then tell me what they want me to believe. The answer is there for me to find unless I'm too dumb or too lazy to go after information. I guess that explains why I'm not well informed about a lot of things.

  7. Hey Marc, maybe someday you and I will be the last two guys left who believed in global cooling.


    We've been keeping temperature records only since 1860 and those 146 years are insignificant when compared to the length of the earth's existance. What Goofey Gore is failing to recognize is, "the scientists" were sure that a global cooling disaster was upon us during the period from 1940 to 1980. Younger members of this board will surely experience another period when alarmists will have us into the coming of another Ice Age disaster. I'm not sure I'll be around for that one, but it'll come relatively soon.


    On the third Saturday of May 2001, Red Lake, Ontario was completely covered with ice. We managed to fly from the Chukuni River to Little Vermilion Lake, which is fairly shallow and enough ice was gone so we could land. Hundreds of acres of ice were floating around. Strong winds blew broken up ice into camp a few times within the past 15 years resulting in pilots dragging floatplanes up the beach 100 feet to avoid being crushed by ice. Fishermen have been blocked from getting back to camp by the ice and in several cases would pull their boat ashore a mile or so away and go by foot through the bush back to camp. It took me an hour to go half a mile through ice at the Middle Narrows.


    May 18, 2004 there were several hundred acres of floating ice that had been blown to the north end of the lake.


    Albert Gore claims residence in Carthage, Tennessee, which is about a 35 mile drive from my house. Carthage doesn't lay claim to having the smartest people in a state that doesn't lay claim to holding the smartest people in the land, but at least half the Carthage residents are smarter and have a whole lot more common sense than Junior. Albert has lived a life of luxury by managing to stay on the dole, and never having a real job or producing anything worthwhile.


    Fresh out of school, Al Gore went to work as a reporter for the Tennessean newspaper in Nashville. Being the new guy, one of his jobs was to handle the obituary section for the paper. During a slow news night, the late Jerry Thompson assigned Al to cover the death of a foreign dignitary who supposedly died during a visit to Nashville. The dead guy's name, as given by Jerry, was Erog Trebla. Al, eager to prove his worth to the paper, immediately checked all the hospitals, funeral parlors, the morgue, and police stations for information concerning the demise of Erog Trebla. Two days later he reported to Jerry that he had no story. After chewing him out for a few minutes while other investigative reporters looked on, Jerry finally had Al check the spelling of Erog Trebla and then try the same name backwards. Yes, Al investigated his own death, although the name was backwards.

  8. I've experienced global cooling that took place from 1940-1980 when every cold winter was touted to be proof of a coming new Ice Age. Since then the average global temperature has jumped a couple of degrees C. and the newest disaster in the opposite direction is helping Albert Gore, Jr. sell his book and his movie.


    When it comes to global cooling and global warming, I like global warming better.


    The hottest day I've experienced on this planet was my first, on July 23, 1934 in SW Ohio and the temperature soared to 112 F. My coldest was in middle Tennessee back on January 21, 1985 when we experienced -22 F.


    There are lots of weather facts available to us and I'm not into getting my weather history from picture shows.

  9. Hey Rich, I picked up two, 1 Gig, cards and they're really cheap now. First I tried to load a huge map and the whole process froze on me after quite a bit of waiting. Then I was successful loading smaller rectangles of maps that joined each other. On one card I have all the maps I need to take me from Tennessee to above the 53rd in NW Ontario. I've included maps to take me from middle Tennessee to Reelfoot Lake where I intend to hunt crappies next year. The same card takes me to North and South Carolina and from Tennessee to the Florida Keys.


    You might want or need to load only one rectangle at a time. That works well. It's fast and easy.


    I believe you could include the total area where you intend to put the system to use.


    I should have mentioned that I also use my Lowrance X15 in my van as well as on the water. I don't drink enough to attempt traveling from Tennessee to Florida in a boat. I bought an extension cable for the white hockey puck and placed it above the dash.


    I'm somewhat handicapped in this area and I'm sure that a better informed member will soon come up with a post that will help both of us.

  10. Many a time I've arrived in camp late Friday and picked up supper off the dock. Stay there an hour or so and a trophy pike will chase your lure. JP made a living catching pike while constructing a dock in early May 2005. Hammer a handful of nails, make a couple of casts, bring in a nice pike, hammer a handfull of nails, make a couple of casts..........................................................Pose for picture...............


    They spawn in the back of the bay and go past the dock on the way out past the point into deeper water, which becomes their recovery area.

  11. Back in 1962 I was coaching/teaching in a H.S. in Ohio when my wife and I put together a fishing trip to the Chapleau area that included two other teachers and 5 students. This past May I was still hobbled from a couple of back surgeries and there was no way I could make the 1445 miles north for a fishing trip without help. One of the students from 1962 and his buddy put me flat on my back in the second seat of their pickup truck and hauled me round trip for 9 days of catching.


    Work some young bloods into your fishing parties for when you get on down the road in life. It paid off for me.

  12. #8's championship will probably come, but he has some dues to pay. I have his jacket and also have Smoke's jacket. They were gifts. No family money was spent. My extra money goes for fishing.


    Not to sound like a frontrunner, but gotta like the Lowes car, driver and team today. Would hate to see anything interfere with a good run for Jimmy.

  13. Rutgers met reality in Cincinnati last night against a so so University of Cincinnati team.


    I appreciated the class of both teams yesterday in Columbus. No wolfing. No shucking and jiving. Just great effort and team play by both teams.


    I hope the Monday papers don't have any post game violence to report coming from Ann Arbor or Columbus.

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