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Everything posted by andrey7474

  1. as i know, evinrude does not make 4-strokes
  2. nice report and perfect onboard surgery
  3. thanks everybody for great responses and links, appreciate that.
  4. Hi guys. These days I read a lot about drop-shotting and want to try one. But I cannot figure out how to tie a hook so it sticks perpendicularly to main line. I tried Palomar knot and San Diego jam knot but could not consistently manage to get the hook stay the way it should. What is the trick? Many thanks
  5. owner red trebles are the best imho
  6. watch for rocks, this lake loves to eat propellers
  7. i eat only whitefish and lake trout - stocked fish from lake Simcoe. i practice catch-and-release for other species because i feel bad of killing such amazing gamefish as bass or walleye.
  8. BTW, they are very delicious. Many ppl say crayfish tastes better than lobster. Just boil them for 15 minuts and eat with beer. The only bad thing is that you have to put crayfish in a boiling water alive... That's why i never cook them.
  9. Hi everyone Did someone recently fish for lake trout or whitefish in Parry Sound area? I wonder if they bite at all and on what depth could be found. Any info about walleye (i've never fished for them) would be also appreciated. Thanks!
  10. Thanks Zamboni for the links! The charts are awesome!! I really appreciate that.
  11. ratemypoo.com
  12. what's going on with mma world lately?
  13. There is nothing bad about that. I asked because the idea about Fedor fighting bear was coming up there pretty frequently.
  14. lol, looks like you've never seen Rampage-Silva (2 fights) and Rampage/ Shogun. Jackson has changed after those three brutal beatings.
  15. let me guess: your another favorite forum is sherdog.net, correct? p.s. Fedor - is by far my most favorite fighter, even our company's main database server is called Fedor. the web server is called CroCop...no joke
  16. Sera just has no tools to beat GSP, period. Randy is a great fighter but not a threat to Fedor at all. imo, CroCop is the one who have the best chance to beat Fedor, so my dream match is CC vs Fedor-2 along with Chuck vs. Shogun and Hendersson vs. Andersson Silva
  17. i use Seaguar Grand Max. i order it from states because looks like Canadian stores do not carry it. advice: guys, do not use Vanish - it stands not even close to seguar. i've tried it once and it just sucks.
  18. Yesterday I was fishing on some medium-size lake in Haliburton area. Approximately 80% of ice is still walkable, I’ve even seen some guys driving ski-doos. Thickness varies between 3-10 inches. However ice structure is not glass-like. There are also places with open water, especially in shallow places, near the shore and at river-mouths. I think it will be the last week for ice fishing.
  19. thanks alot. hoping for ice since simcoe season is over )
  20. Hi guys I'm going to Haliburton area this weekend. Could you give me some info about ice conditions there? Thanks in advance.
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