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About bbnotty

  • Birthday 09/15/1961

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    anywhere chrome
  • Interests
    Family, any Fishing, Hockey and life

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  1. Hey Bill, salmon do hit when they are in the river. But only when they are still relatively fresh. once they turn black and really ugly yes theystop hitting but maybe thats because they most likely almost blind. Berge
  2. Hey Victor i will pm you. Berge
  3. My son is staying in Chatham for the summer and wanted to fish somewhere close by for channel cats or carp. if anyone has any info around the area of Shrewsbury or vicinity it would be appreciated. You can pm me if you like and no i am not looking for specific spots, only if this area of erie is worth trying. Thanks Berge
  4. yes pretty much done now.
  5. Great post Mike, love the spinner fishing eh. Berge
  6. mmmmm the smell of carp in my steelhead net, i think i'll bring my other net. let me know Mike and Victor i'm ready for carpin.
  7. Nice salmon, wow that first one is very chunky. BB
  8. Kelfun, great job buddy and nice steely. Yes it was a cold morning i froze too. Berge
  9. Thanks guys, it was a lot of fun. My son is gone for the summer so it was nice getting out with him one last time this spring. Oh and MIKE, there are still lots of steel around buddy. Went out again this morning, this time by myself and found that there were even more fish around today. . So Mike when you going to take me carpin and show me how its done??? Berge
  10. It had been about a week since last outing and the itch got to me. My son was in town for the day and also needed to get out, so out one more time. We went to our first river and had a nice hike but couldn't find any fish so after an hour we left for our next destination. Didn't have to walk very far and got into them right away. Between two of us we landed 11 ranging from about 3lbs to about 10 lbs. Lost a bunch more. Pinkies and whites worked good and also switched to a silver spinner which was great watching them chase and hit it. Here is a few pics As you can see i love the release shots. Berge
  11. Hey Mike, you up for a drift? let me know. Heading out somewhere this weekend. I'm so evil lol. Berge
  12. Wow buddy, great pictures and great times. It has been fun sharing the rivers with you.
  13. Mike great report and a lot of fun, great fishing with you.
  14. Nice fish, makes it even better when you get one in tough conditions. Berge
  15. Hey Mike i'll send you a pm and let you know where. My arms are sore from yesterday, i think together we got into over 50 of them we lost count. Berge
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