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Posts posted by knightfisher

  1. BB as a contractor for over 25 years, most of my jobs have been verbal and on a handshake, old school.

    Contracts happen on big jobs or commercial jobs. All jobs, receipts are given when work is complete.


    I have made a few errors over the years, and fix what I have to, to the customers satisfaction.

    Don't pay the guy until he corrects the situation. At the least for him, it's a learning experience.


    If you let this go, you will be the one regretting it every time you use the door.

    Don't pay an extra penny either.


    Went on a tour of the Sir Adam Beck hydro plant here in Niagara a few years back.

    The guide told us that 80% of the hydro produced goes directly to the states. Then sold

    back to us at a higher rate if we need it.

    In regards to our other natural resources, most of them have been sold off to other


    The basic necessities of life which most are on their way to private hands will be

    the down fall of our standard of living.

    What has happened to Greece, Ireland, and Portugal is next, is what we can expect

    here. But before that happens here, most of the middle class, that's most of us, will

    be wiped out.

    Google has a ton of information, if one can stomach it.


    Agenda 21 and or 1984, just around the corner.


    We the people have the power to turn this around, but that would mean giving up

    our current life style, and actually taking responsibilty and getting others doing

    the same, contacting our MPs forming peaceful protests, running ads in the paper etc.

    Requires lots, and lots of work.


    You willing to give up your current lifestyle and putting your nose to the grindstone

    and getting others to do the same.......


    Hey I would love to talk and recommend more on this subject, but I have to watch the end of the game,

    and get the latest scores.....


    A lot of cheap talk, as we bend over, with out even asking our handlers for some K-Y jelly.

  3. This is sad and sickening.

    Everyone of those firefighters were afraid to lose their job

    so they just watched the place burn to the ground.

    Would of thought there was a least one man there with some







    adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.....


    Now if one or all of the firemen there put out the fire, do you really think they would lose

    their job.

    No way.

    It would have made the papers, the same with it made the papers now.

  4. Just waiting for them to round us all up and implant chips under our skin so they know where we are and what we're doing 24/7. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


    Oh, Joey, you really don't believe that will happen to us.

    No way, nope.

    Now if you were to say our grandchildren, well, that's the world, their going to be growing up in :(



    Another unfortunate thing about these types of laws occuring in TO, is that it sets precedence for all other citys to do the same.

    1984 is getting closer each year

  5. Fascism, google the word.


    Part of the definition- when government and corporations work hand and glove.

    Our government working for the new owners of the 407.


    Did the bail out fall into this catagory ? You bet !


    Also as I understand it, because the 407 deal was done with a private company, the particulars of the sale can be concealed.

    Sure we the public were given a few details, but try to get a copy of the contract of sale, being that this affects us, the public.


    Not going to happen.


    The word sheeple comes to mind.

  6. I picked up the CTEK charger today. I just called around and asked if they would still honor last weeks sale and was told yes.

    So you can still get it for 40% off if you do the same.

    Great charger from the reviews I read on the net.

    Plus CT is giving a 5 year exchange warranty.

    Can't beat that!!!

  7. Yep, I sold my Sportspal when I found out I needed an operators card because I use an electric motor. Now I paddle a kayak and "I don't need no stinking operators card".


    Yeah but I bet you miss your pal from time to time :canadian:

  8. Success in training a dog is repetition for sure.

    But it also has a lot to do with breed.


    I have two pure bred belgian malinois, mother and 2 year old daughter. These are condsidered working dogs.

    For the first few years with the mom, I had no desire to train her, though she would just instinctively listen and do what I asked.

    The two year old pup I decided to put a little more attention on training her. And by little I mean a couple of minutes here and there. I only have to tell her once maybe twice to do something and it's second nature. She can be in full flight after a dog, cat, squirrel, and if I call her off she stops on a dime. Whether I have the pup retrive a dog dish or shoes or her own lease, this pup only has to be shown a few times.

    The mother who is about 5 takes a little more time to train, which I am putting in a bit of time with, and what is extremely successful is rewarding her with a small treat every time she completes a required task. And again with this breed, doesn't take much time at all.

    An extremely successful action is taking your dog out to a large field or nature path. Have a few treats in hand. Tell your dog to sit and walk away about ten feet. Call her and give her a treat. Do it again and widen the gap each time. Have her sit and stay, and repeat. In short order you should be able to make the gap a few hundred feet.

    Once you get this little exercise down pat, the dog will be much more under your control and much easier to train in any other aspect you desire.

    Utube has a lot of good videos on training, and depending on the type of bred of shepard you have will determine how much time will be needed to train the dog.


    It doesn't have to cost a cent.

  9. Another medal for Canada is good.

    However Canada lost the gold on this evening by not playing smart.

    At the end of the ninth up by 6-4, is was a no brainer.

    Tenth end, just continue to take every rock out of the house and

    allow Sweden to draw for one. Canada would of won.

    Very disappointing loss.

    Cheryl Bernard did Canada proud, but knows she blew this one.

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