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About kelvarnson

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  1. Clamp-It, I only catch the good looking ones....
  2. First boat outing of the year, and was chasing an agressive walleye bite on Rice. While not as hot as I'd heard the opener was, still did pretty well. Worked emerging weeds near deep water, caught all my fish on a bucktail jig (no live bait). Was out 9:30 to 3, caught 5 eyes between 2 and 5 pounds (kept 2 of the smallest) and 3 O/S bass (1 SM, 2 LM) Weather was perfect; overcast with a very light wind.
  3. A friend's birthday is coming up and his wife and I are trying to organize a trip out on Lake O. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks everyone....
  4. Was out last Saturday. Even with the heat, bright sun AND a tournament going on, we still put 10 in the boat in about an hour. The action was slow early on, but switched on big time once the wind picked up and a few clouds started floating around. Suspending Rapalas with a quick start-stop retrieve were all that was working...jigs got nothing. The 'eyes were as aggressive as I've ever seen on Rice Lake. Also got a 10lb muskie in the same area the walleyes were hitting. They were relatively shallow, 6 - 8ft, and were relating to heavy weeds. Click here for pics Good luck....
  5. Thanks guys. Anybody know if the storms hit on or near Rice Lake? That's where I'm heading tomorrow...
  6. I have memories of practically dead water in the days following thunder and lightning, but I was never really pursuing muskies. Given all the bad weather in the Kawartha Lakes area yesterday and possibly today, do all the gurus on here have any reassuring words?
  7. Count me amongst the 'creeped' as well....yikes. It's not a bad picture at all, and it's a spectacular animal, but I feel like it's looking at me or something.
  8. In celebration of the muskie opener, and the spectacular pictures of them posted today, let's start a debate. The argument over the world's greatest saltwater fish is a familiar one...black marlin, tarpon, sailfish, great white. It goes on. Not as frequently heard - who's the King of Fresh Water? A lot of contenders, for different reasons. Walleye - popularity and table qualities Chinook (King) Salmon - power, agility, speed Brook Trout - elegance, habitat, intelligence I'm sure others have nominations. But I'll forward the big 2 in my opinion - Muskellunge and Lake Trout. Each have strenghts, the Muskie is a legend...the fish of 10,000 casts. Who hasn't heard stories of water skiers getting bitten, bady ducks getting eaten. I remember the first muskie I ever encountered; it swam by the dock I was swimming from. It wasn't big...I've since caught bigger....but it was the way it moved. Just an incredible animal. It's also great quarry; savy and unpredictable. Explosive strikes...dramatic follows....the 'figure 8'. What a fish!! But the Lake Trout is in this discussion. When you come to these fish, your notions of what the sport is all about kind of change. Especially if you've been able to catch them in the Northern part of Canada. Not necessarily all the way to the NWT, even the provinces have them a bit farther up. But the agressiveness, the diversity (colours, body types, etc) and the sheer POWER they have astonishes. I was piking a few weeks ago at Belmont Lake and got snagged on a rock pile. I was pulling the boat over to the snag (wind was calm), and it felt EXACTLY like fighting a 25-lb laker, I swear. So, let's hear everyone's thoughts.
  9. Sorry I should have been clearer. I'm heading to Rice Lake (District 6) for walleye and was pretty sure it opened there on the first Saturday in June. MNR website only has 2006 regs posted. Thanks again.
  10. Sorry, but I can't find my copy of the regs. I know there's something strange going on with the MNR re: 2007 publication. Thanks guys and gals...
  11. Bassturd, I know it's pricey, but Plummer's Lodges in the NWT are the ideal spot for you and your fiance. My g/f and I were there last summer. She's the exact opposite of an outdoorsy type but she absolutely loved it. The accomodations, food, service and fishing are so good that she didn't even recognize we were hours away from the nearest human settlement. On our first day, she caught a 29lb laker after we had been on the water 5 minutes. We proceeded to average about 50-60 fish per day for a week. Our guide was great, the scenery is beautiful and the weather is perfect. She (and I) had a blast! Here she is with her first big fish.
  12. I'm with you charfinder... I've been to Great Slave for Lakers. Frankly, the only other place I want to go is another you mentioned...Labrador for Brookies. Soon enough I'll get there. But nothing, NOTHING, fights like a Lake Trout from the Territories.
  13. Thanks for the info guys... "There she blows!--there she blows! A hump like a snow-hill! It is Moby Dick!"
  14. Just booked a cottage there for the July long weekend. Quick Interweb search tells me bass and pike in abundance. Anyone been there before?
  15. Hi Guys, I've been a long time reader, but this topic got me to register and start posting. Here's a picture of the greatest moment of my life...
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