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Everything posted by Slowhand

  1. misfish: love the tin boat! I'm planning to fix up my father's (RIP) this summer. Floatation: did you replace the styrafoam under the seats? If yes, how? Rivet leaks: did you have any: If yes, how did you repair them? Paint: Looks like you painted the hull but I can't be sure: If yes what did you use. Thanks a lot.
  2. Scotty Strikers are on my boat. Used them a lot w/o any problems for Muskie and Pike Trolling.
  3. Baitcasters: #1: Power Pro, #2: Stealth Spinning: #1 Fireline, #2 10/2 Stealth Works for me.
  4. Don't know about the Candian series but I have 2 Fenwick Techna AV baitcasters, 1 Techna AV spinning rod, and 1 HMG Carbon Veil baitcaster. The rods are very sensitive, strong, and the warranty is very good too. I'm happy with them.
  5. I have a Force 70 HP. Bottom unit:vMerc parts. No trouble at all for 9 years or so. Two years ago started having some problems with stalling etc. even after 2 tune ups and some replacement of parts. After 11 years, perhaps I need a new motor. Would I buy another one: Probably not. Would I buy a used one? I really would consider some other options. Just my opinion and experience.
  6. Thanks Tony and others for responding. Good reason to tell my wife I need more tackle.
  7. I read the article on buying carp gear with interest. I think I would like to try carp fishing quite a bit. Question is where. I don't expect to be given locations of secret hot spots but perhaps some comments on whether or not I could find them at these locations: Gloucester Pool?: (Been there for a long time but haven't seen any but then I wasn't looking for them) Humber River mouth? Credit River mouth area? Island Lake?(Orangeville reservoir) Anyone fish these locations and target carp? Thanks.
  8. Oil that comes with Calcutta will last longer than Hot Sauce. However, Hot Sauce is more viscous. For heavier lures: stay with the Shimano oil. BTW Nice reels: (I have a Conquest 201 DC: absolutely incredible reel) and a Conquest 51 that I added ZIP ABEC 7 bearings (my favourite for pitching light lures): 2 of my favourite reels.
  9. Ive trolled with the 2 oz Storm Wild eye shads. Kept getting the tails bitten off. Tried smaller 3/4 oz size: no takers. Going to seriously try the swimming jig (a la Doug Stange of IN-Fisherman method) and see what happens. The baits have a lot of appeal to me: single hook, size, depth and speed variability, etc. I hope they appeal to the fish as much.
  10. Ultimately, you should go with what you're comfortable with. Both the reels you mention are good. In fact most middle range reels are pretty good these days. I have a number of spinning reels made by different manufacturers. Penn, Daiwa, Abu (old C4) and Shimano. My Stella 2500 is my best spinning reel. But I also like using my Penn Z714 Ultra Sport. Why is the Stella better than the Penn?: Tighter tolerances, smoother, great styling, more bearings, etc. Does that mean my Penn is no good? Not to me. It all depends on what you are measuring: Price, quality, engineering, Reliability, personal comfort with the reel? Me? I probably would buy the Stradic. But then again I also bought a Sahara. And on it goes (like this post of mine)
  11. Yep, I spent about 15 years making and tying bucktails, hair jigs, spinnerbaits, cranks (carved my own out of balsa), etc. etc. Stopped about 5 years ago. Have a LOT of jigs, flies, etc. And then I got into buying plastics and using Lucky crafts, Yozuris etc. Given the overall good quality and variety of commercial offerings, I buy now. But those hair jigs I tied? Still love them.
  12. Ah..the pool... Thanks for the welcome everybody. Irishfield: that's quite the picture: Buena Vista, Deer, Go Home, etc.. First time I've seen the Pool from the air!. Really does provide a different perspective. Thanks a lot. (I had a feeling I would be in the right place when I joined this board).
  13. Just saying hello to everyone. Signed up today (really should have joined sooner). I keep my boat up on Gloucester pool (11 years now). Before that fished Sturgeon Lake for about 10 years. Spent time and $ collecting some JDM reels and rods. Really not much to add other than I'm kind of tackle crazy and can't wait until season opener. It's good to be here.
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