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About pricedo

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  1. The original game related charges were provincial offenses and though the fines are substantial are considered relatively minor in the grande scheme of things. Violation of a court order however is a Criminal Code of Canada offense and conviction registers a criminal record against the offender. A subsequent conviction would likely see our incorrigibly intransigent fisherman counting fly tracks on the ceiling of a rather small cell in a provincial jail. He is also "personna non grata" at the United States border unless he obtains a very expensive waiver from the US Department of Justice.
  2. I didn't catch the gist of your comment the first time I read it. If that's supposed to hint that I'm a banned previous member that has returned under another "handle" you're dreaming in technicolor. I have never been a member on this forum before signing up for this account. So let's get that misconception dealt with right off the getgo.
  3. John's Tackle Box has tons of stuff for anglers & hunters. Live bait (minnows and worms) & all the rods, reels, lines and lures I ever needed. For the hunters John's has a wide selection of rifles, shotguns, archery equipment accessories and ammo. Was in there in June and bought some cartridges for my deer rifle that I couldn't get in the GTA where I live. I was amazed at the selection John's Tackle Box had for a little lakeside store 150 miles up in the sticks.
  4. Still lots of good walleye/pickerel fishing in the narrows at The Old Mission in the late summer & fall.
  5. Except we're not allowed to fish off the old Latchford Bridge any more. Remember the throngs of people who used to fish off the "Latchford Bridge" years ago when people were allowed to make up their own minds what was safe and what wasn't. Never heard of a single accident or drowning from anyone falling off the bridge in 50 years.
  6. Big deal ! Yet I've seen members of certain identified minority groups out there with gill nets in broad daylight netting fish by the dozens and nothing said. When the rule of law applies to everyone in Ontario equally I will applaud.
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