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About steelhead281

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  1. I am begging for your best Splake fishing tips for big water in the spring....not your hot spots, just how to catch them...and thanks in advance.
  2. Just to clarify what I am looking for...I consider a side finder as a machine that shoots a beam from the boat to the shore. Basically a horizontal beam that would identify the slope of the land from the bank toward the boat and identify fish within the horizontal cone. Some units have what sales guys refer to as "wide side scanning" which is basically a wide angle transducer and sometimes more that one transducer. I'd like the first machine if I could determine if they will work well Are there any experts out there that can advise
  3. Cabelas say Lowrance doesn't have a side fider
  4. Well maybe someone has more advice for me. I'll be fishing some lakes for specks this fall. I'm told they shcool in the shallows shortly before spawning. Creek mouths are a good spot to look but actually finding the schools is easier and more effective with a side finder. Am I expecting to much of the gadget
  5. I want a side image fish finder also. Humminbird customer service has recommended the 737 with a side find transducer. I am trying to get some idea of how well that unit would work. It is maybe $400 total. isn't the 797 more like $1000
  6. Trolled the lake that is just east of algonquin PP caught a 39 inch pike
  7. I'll be in the area of Lake Superior Provincial Park in late September. I would like to find a skilled guide that could help me catch some salmon or specks in the streams up there
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