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Posts posted by charlesn

  1. What about child actors, entertainers? I need to have an early retirement dream... lol


    I recall working from about the age of 9, but I think that was legalized child slavery from my parents as I don't recall being paid a wage per se, but I also don't recall paying rent so maybe we were even... :)



  2. I recall a few months (maybe years) back someone taped themselves doing something similar - like maybe grabbing trout out of a stream with their hands or something, and it got on the local news and they got charged with fish and game violations or something like that. I'm sorta like braided line in that I have very little memory, so I could be confused... again. :)


    I would think that these videos in the hands of authorities would lead to charges and a conviction.



  3. Does anyone know why there is an R bend? Why aren't they all closed loops?



    The action as stated above and also the line can get caught in the twisted loop causing a breakage on the hook set. Happened to me a couple times.


    I would tie direct, even for toothy critters. I can't remember the last time I got bit off by a pike or musky on a spinnerbait, doesn't happen very often compared to getting bit off on like a jig or soft plastic.

  4. I'm looking at the back of a few I have and they do not have a hard-coded expiry date anywhere. However, they do stipulate that if there is a balance on the card, non-use of the card for a 2 year period will make the entire balance void. I assume that when the card is "activated" the balance is placed and you have 2 years to use it.


    These are the Bass Pro Cards with the red maple leaf on the front.


    I'd give BPS in Vaughn a call and find out. They can probably do something for ya.


    Good luck.

  5. I added myself to the DNC list and have repeatedly told various telemarketers to take me off their list. Now they have an annoying way of me not being able to recognize the most infuriating repeat offenders, they block their phone number. I'm considering having Bell just block all calls from private numbers, but knowing Bell, they'll make me jump through an infinite number of flaming hoops to do so or they will simply say they can't do it when I know they can at the push of a fwe buttons.


    Anyone find a good solution to deal with telemarketers? I have never - EVER - bought anything from a telemarketer or donated to the cause of a telemarketer. I'd be happy if they simply forgot about me and didn't offer me all the wonderful and bargain priced specials that they have just for me and the people in my neighbourhood or household.


    Also, if you really want to speak to the home"owner", call my bank! lol

  6. I believe you're referring to Mike "Ike" Iaconelli. That's his "schtick". He's had more than few of those "Ike" moments in his career. Some good press, some very negative, but maybe true to the words "there's no such thing as bad press", he's one of the most endorsed anglers in the world and probably doesn't have to make a cast to live a nice lifestyle.


    A few notable "Ike" outbursts:

    -2 DQ's from the Bassmaster Classic

    -Broke the windshield in his Toyota Tundra

    -Got kicked off the Ranger pro staff for outburst leading to one of the 2 DQ's


    He has a show called City Limits that has gotten pretty good reviews, we don't get it up here yet but I hope WFN picks it up. Urbancentric fishing show which I'm sure a lot of us from urban areas can relate to.


    They say the winner of the Classic can get upwards of a million dollars in endorsement deals in addition to the top prize. I'd scream a little to if I thought I had won a cool half a mill and had another million or so coming.


    I would say it is somewhat genuine or this guy is a character actor that is Oscar worthy as he always seems to be "in character".

  7. It's actually around $42,000 for this year for 8 B.A.S.S. Elite series events. The $55K was for the originally scheduled 11 events, but they cut back on three of them to help the anglers out that were having trouble finding the money to do all of them (it's an all or nothing deal).


    There are other avenues. The Bassmaster Opens are only $1000 a pop and there are only 3 of them. BUT, there are only 2 spots for the Classic and you are fishing against the best locals and many of the Elite guys in 200 boat tournaments to get those 2 spots. I'd say it's way way harder to qualify through the opens than the Elites where they take almost the top 40% of the field.


    There are also 6 Federation Nation spots. This is the grass-roots level. 1 grassroots guy from each of the six divisions makes it to the Classic. This is the most cost-effective way, but perhaps the most competitive as there must be tens of thousands of club guys vying for those 6 spots. No margin for error.


    The final spot is given to the WBT Angler of the Year.

  8. Thank you Art and Rombo. I have a friend coming over to look at it tomorrow. The rattling appears only when the showerhead is turned on, when the faucet from the shower stall is running, no rattling, just when I pull up the plunger thingy to pressurize the showerhead. Would it still make sense that it has something to do with the toilets?


    I appreciate the help as 12 days without a shower is pretty tough, I almost smell like I am from Hamilton.


    hahaha, j/k



  9. I tried it and ended up giving it all away. They had the 1000 yard filler spools for sale at Bass Pro a few years ago for $19 so I stocked up but ended up losing confidence in the line. It could be that I am just too comfortable with braid. I had 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 I think and gave away all of it after having some "issues" with memory on spinning gear. I shouldn't have given away the 20 as I bet on a baitcaster it would probably be okay. But I was upset with it. lol


    Just my experience with it. Doesn't mean it's not good line, just didn't work out so good for me. As a matter of fact I do not use mono or fluoro on any of my spinning gear, only fluoro leaders. So it's not just P-Line Fluoroclear, although that is the line that made me decide to stick solely with braid.


    But the fact that the guy I gave it to was actively searching for it shows me that one person's junk is another's treasure.



  10. Just wondering if anyone knows of a good reliable plumber in Mississauga? Preferably an angler so that I can talk fishing with them while they work and maybe trade a bass fishing trip or two for a discount on the work. :)


    Got some issues with a drippy faucet and a more major issue in the other bath which I don't really know how to describe except that it is bad enough to sound like it is shaking the whole house down.





  11. lol, thanks hirk, good to know no one store has that much pull. You being in the business would definitely know. Guess the cabin fever has me more gullible than usual.


    Can't wait to head out your way some time and watch that Ally fly. There was a real pretty Ally at the show and I looked her over up down and around and really really like the deeper cockpit and the second row of seating. You certainly can't compare the construction with the mass-produced bass boats out there. Would also make it better for taking my kids out. Being able to run 95 once in a while would just be a bonus. :)

  12. That's what I'd think too... but... This wasn't like one person I spoke to that said it, was several from several booths. Where there is smoke there is fire usually. But on the manufacturers and the organizer of the show probably know for sure.


    My response was the same as yours, how can one company dictate to all those manu's, sounds a little strange indeed.


    Maybe just your average run of the mill fishing show gossip. :)

  13. I don't understand that. On one hand, Lebarons decide to stay closed for half the weekend, driving us to Bass Pro...and on the other they're trying to chase their suppliers out of town?


    Considering how utterly useless Lebaron's site is, you'd think they'd be thrilled to have the manufacturers educate potential customers on their behalf.


    I agree. Maybe because of tight times they have to save their show dollars for the Sportsman's show. They will probably have a big presence there.


    I had no idea they stay closed, I woulda thought they would do a no tax sale to compete with the show at the very least.


    Strange indeed.

  14. Spoke with several exhibitors at the show. The absence of several major manufacturers and Lebaron was no coincidence according to them. The manufacturers were basically told they could not be there if they wanted to keep their products on Lebaron shelves. That was the reason why Shimano, Pure Fishing, Quantum were absent. They definitely left a big void in the show. I heard a few marinas also had to pull out after poor sales at the Boat show. Kinda a sign of the times and how competitive and cutthroat it is right now. I don't think you can blame Lebaron for pushing their weight around, after all, why give an advantage to out of town competition coming to one of your hometowns to sell gear? Each rod, reel, bait or whatever that Tightlines, Fishing World, Natural Sports, etc. sells in Mississauga is probably one less sale for Lebaron, right? I'd probably try to defend my turf too in their position.


    Still, hopefully the vendors sold enough stuff to make it worth their while as it would be discouraging to lose one of the first signs of spring.


    Been a while since I actually bought anything at a show, and this show was no different as I did not buy anything but spoke to a lot of enthusiastic fisherpeople and saw 1 heck of an entertaining seminar by a pretty loud big dude. Dave something. :)

  15. Not sure about the 2005 Silverado, but I have a 2008 Silverado, Crew Cab, Short box, 4.8 V8 (4x4 though) and it is WAY better on fuel economy than my 2005 Trailblazer with 4.3 V6 was. Even for city driving, at least it feels that way from the number of gas stations stops I need to make.


    Towing, it was ridiculous how bad the Trailblazer was with my boat. The Silverado hardly knows it is there and can make it from my place to the lake and back for most lakes that I fish which was never true before. But I will be honest, if I didn't have $2000 of GM Visa points saved up, I might have gotten something else as I had a GMC Sierra before the trailblazer that was a terrible lemon, but those GM Visa points keep making me go back to GM. Smart marketing by them I guess.


    Now that I have the truck, I love it.



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