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Posts posted by charlesn

  1. I guess running each fish submitted through a metal detector or x-ray wouldn't be a very economical option?


    Kevin, that is actually a valid option and one that is accounted for at the biggest event in southern Ontario, the Bass Pro Simcoe Open. There is a wand (similar to the airport scanners I guess) that would be used as needed. Catching a new Ontario record smallmouth would be worth approximately $110,000 or so to the catcher of that fish. The wand would certainly be used in that case.


    The sad thing about this is that Robby Rose has won a bunch of money fishing in various circuits in Texas. This act of his puts a negative light on the tens maybe hundreds of thousands he has stolen from fellow competitors. I don't know how you could live with yourself. Money does strange things to people. I remember the one guy in Ohio that got caught was fishing for like a $300 prize and basically sold his reputation out for that amount of chump change, but it wasn't about the money - it was about the bragging rights I guess... Pathetic.


    Glad to see he was caught, but I wish the sentence would've been even harsher to send a message or better yet, offer complete amnesty to every tournament angler ever cheated by the guy. You get one sweetly placed kick or punch for each event you got ripped off in. That would be a prety good deterrent I think... :)

  2. Even with taking the possibility of it being "fake" Power Pro out of the equation, any type of line can have a bad spool. As you can see some swear by it (they haven't got a bad spool yet) and some hate it (got one). I've tried all the brands mentioned here and now I get "whatever is on sale". I have had good experience with all the brands PP, Stren Superbraid, Spiderwire, Spiderthread, Suffix, Tuf-line. Maybe I'm just lucky but in probably 50 spools worth of usage, I've never experienced (yet) what you speak of.


    Once down in Texas a friend had cut my line when I wasn't there and then reeled back over the cut. I cast out as usual and had the world's biggest backlash and lost my lure and he laughed til he nearly peed his pants. I laughed too. Maybe you're being sabotaged? j/k :)

  3. So I have come up with a great new idea for a fishing product but have no idea where to go from here. Is there any easy way to patent my idea before proceeding? I don't want to get screwed over by a person/company. I truly believe that this could be an amazing product, and that there is a fairly large market for it.



    If you think it will be a good product for a large market, I'd just go ahead and start production. Being first to market can be huge. Will your idea get ripped off? Eventually. But that can sometimes even be a promotional thing for you. Look at the Yamamoto Senko. Every soft bait manufacturer on the planet blatantly ripped it off and a lot of them even call them a similar name like Stik-O. But a lot of people (like myself) will pay the premium and reward the original, mostly because I have more confidence in the original and even when refering to the rip-offs, people still call them a senko as the brand name is now unanimous with the bait style. Kinda like a tissue is often called a Kleenex. In a global marketplace, especially with places in the far east that can and will duplicate your product using workers that are making less in a month than you would expect in a day, there's little you can do about it.


    Instead of sitting on the idea and hoping to someday have the coin to protect it, I'd get the idea out there, start selling it and who knows, that might be the capital you need to get patents or whatever. Have a good solid product at a fair price and many will find a reason to keep buying your version over the imitations that pop up.


    I've had lots of ideas and then found out later someone beat me to it, because I sat on it instead of actually doing something.

  4. Had a young man visiting from Georgia and he had never seen one before. Caught one and was offered $20 if he could eat it on the spot. He tried... He said he was doing okay until he bit in to the squishy part and the juice flowed out... lol He chummed over the side. Ah, the joys of youth. :)


    I can't see myself eating one, they feel soft and squishy like they are all just skin and guts (aka fishpoo). I can see why game fish like them, no spines like a perch or sunfish.

  5. I put all my soft plastics in plano type trays. Have not noticed ANY change in the softness. The only ones I don't do that for are gulp type baits and/or baits that I need in excess of 40-50 of at a time, those go in a big ziploc.


    In terms of organization and experimenting, it is a huge time saver as you can often put 12-16 different bait colours/styles in a tray. The trays can be labelled and stacked inside of a storage locker which is very helpful.

  6. Did the Yorkdale TTC thing and was very glad I did. Traffic didn't look pretty down there. $10 day pass for 2 adults, not bad at all and so peaceful we ended up back north of the 401 on the yonge line just chatting. Not like I remember it when I used to commute to work shoulder to shoulder, basically had empty seats around us the entire ride on the subway, good deal.


    Saw the entrance fee and nearly threw up in my mouth a little. $17?! After touring the insides I really really felt like I woulda been walking bowlegged if I had paid that. Sorry, but simply outrageous to charge a working family that for the "privilege" of going inside and buying stuff. Because it's not like there are some attractions or much to do. They should let us in free and hand each of us a $5 show only coupon at the door as an incentive to go spend and enter with a more positive mood and perhaps generate a buying frenzy. Instead I made sure I didn't spend a nickel in there.


    Building is clean and spacious, but maybe too much so to the point where it feels sorta sterile.


    Anyways, I guess I can cross another off the bucket list as the sportsmans show at the convention centre is not something I ever need to do again.


    I'd counsel anyone weighing the options to consider Bass Pro instead for the free entry, better speakers, better atmosphere and just simply more to do for the family when you factor in Vaughan Mills mall.

  7. Not sure if the ice is gone yet, but right after ice out the perch were in shallow thick. Caught probably 50 from shore on the west corner with grubs and micro tubes. Biggest probably not even a 1/2 lb and most tiny. Not sure if safe to eat, but don't really eat fish anyways. Caught some incidental largies too. Saw some carp. Never seen a pike there yet.


    Good luck.

  8. Stopped doing the sports shows at least 10 years ago. They are all shadows of what they once where. I'd rather spend my day off fishing.


    You raise an interesting point crappieperchhunter.


    I've discussed this with a number of people and I wonder if it is also a matter of perspective. I recall back when I first attended, it was like Xmas again. I had been buying gear at Canadian Tire and learned about places like Lucky Lou's and Lebaron and Fishing Plus and others. It was awesome. It was still nothing but a giant infomercial/flea market, but hey it was new and exciting and killed time in the winter. Plus lots of lodges to gather propaganda from to plan the yearly trips. Foolishly sold my self to the telemarketers by entering "free draws" and the whole nine. Probably the highlight of those early trips was getting a free Export A hat signed by Italo and Henry way back before they got busted for poaching. I remember Italo asked what I fished for and I said mostly bass and pike, and he wrote "Good luck with those Walleyes!"... Wish I had kept the hat!!! :)


    As time went on, it got less and less interesting to attend as a consumer. Then I started attending as an "expert" (so-called) to help consumers with their purchasing decisions. That got tired even quicker than being a consumer. Now when I go - it is to see friends and/or help out with a non-profit club org so I can at least feel I spent my time doing some good. I already know about most new products because of the internet. I can also find pretty much every cottage that goes to the show on-line. If I buy a boat, chances are good it will be from someone I know or the states. I did make an emergency trip down there a few years ago to ride an elephant with my daughter which is not something I can do easily elsewhere. The Camels at the zoo scare me. lol


    So I'm wondering did the shows really change all that much or has my perspective changed? I know I am much more jaded in my viewpoint than I used to be and much more experienced as an angler. Surely that impacts my perspective.


    I answered absolutely, but the complaints you list are very legit. I'll meet a buddy at Yorkdale, grab breakfast and then TTC down and then we'll hit Bass Pro after. I have to admit I'm quite curious to see what the new digs are like.

  9. I can offer one thing not to do:


    -My first time there as a boater was in the winter and I had an outboard motor that was hard starting - especially in the cold. Got the motor started and then moved off the dock area so that others could load/get in to their boats as one giant guide boat was taking up the majority of the dock as he had tied up and was waiting for clients. Got yelled at by that guide for "spoiling the drift" when all I was trying to do was A) not let the motor stall and end up in Lake O and B) let people get in and out of the dock area he was monopolizing.


    Apparently I should have done what he did which is tie up 20+ feet of the dock while waiting for his guide clients and make the others somehow utilize the icy rocks or maybe test their running long jump skills? I'm not a guide, so I guess I was in the wrong.


    After that I started going down only with people that are big enough that they don't get yelled at nomatter what they do. lol :)

  10. What's a backlash?




    Been using a baitcaster for 15 years or so now and still get an occasional nasty one where I just reel over it and act like I was done with that rod anyways if my non-boater is watching... lol


    Use heavy line. I'd say 17-20 and use at least a 3/8 oz casting plug - 1/2 oz if you are going in to the wind at all. The thicker diameter makes it far less likely that the line will really dig in to itself on the spool which can make for some interesting bird's nests... Heck I think I could raised a few Great Blue Heron families on some of the ones I've had.


    Set the brakes and centrifugal weights (if it is a centrifugal weight system) to max. Learn to cast 20 feet without backlashing before worrying about casting 30/40/50/100 feet. I'd also recommend practicing away from the lake first - because when I was learning I found that when you get a backlash on the lake - your immediate reaction is to put it down and resort to the spinning gear just to be fishing again. After all, fishing time is precious. But once you "master" it, I think you will tend to pick it up over the spinning reel more and more as there is just something about it - maybe it just feels like more of a direct connection to the lure or something but given the choice for a technique, I'll always pick baitcasting first.



  11. Both organizations are grassroots oriented tournament bass fishing club systems. I started with the OBF and it really helped sparked my love and participation in competitive fishing. Left eventually for personal reasons/difference in philosophy with some people. Volunteered (more like was peer pressured/told - lol) to start the Mississauga Chapter of the CBAF after that. The CBAF has basically taken the "Canadian Pro/Am" type of bass fishing tournament (shared weight) and made an inexpensive circuit out of it that is still very competitve and yet very stress free. A really fun time plus we go to new lakes every year which keeps the playing field level and lets us visit and learn new lakes for more fishing opportunites. You can join as a non-boater or boater at ANY level and enjoy it. We have people that are riding for the first time in a bass boat at just about every event and also have guys that have won about everything there is to win up here. Great mix and huge learning opportunity. Go to our on-line calendar to see a listing of all the events and club meetings. As mentioned above, one thing the members of all clubs seem to appreciate is that if you join any club - you can still participate in any other club's events as well. Another thing I can't leave out is the Fed Cup - a bragging rights (club versus club) 2 day event each year in October on Quinte that is the highlight for most of our seasons. A super fine time and the fishing is good too. BTW, Mississauga is the defending champion from 2009. Just had to throw that in there for when JP reads this as his club won in 2008... hahahaha


    The meetings for most clubs are open so your best bet is to go to a meeting and check out each club and see if it is for you. Chris is the president of the Kawartha Lakes chapter if you'd like his email please PM me.


    Thanks for the kind words bassman.


    If anyone has any questions - they can feel free to PM me and I will help out in any way I can.



  12. Not sure what you like about Expensive Mountain.......errrrr Gander Mountain....I went there today to kill time until the ice melts.....it didn't work.....but anyway this store is a JOKE....they don't even have ONE CASH REGISTER open....you have to go to the customer service desk to cash out and it's been like that EVERY time I go there...not many employees working there.....it's just a matter of time until this place closes for good...sooner than later if BPS ever builds the store in downtown Buffalo like they have promised for over 5 years. But for the first time in over 3 years I did buy something there........2 packages of tinsel jig for crappie fishing...cost 4 jigs $6.50.




    I sure hope they don't close/although a BPS on the waterfront would be great. They open early for people to get a NY license which is usually the primary reason I end up there, but I've bought a hoodie, rain jacket, mitts, gloves (you get the idea - underprepared for cold/wet weather) and always found it a bargain and the quality very high. Fishing gear wise, I'm usually pretty well stocked already but have never left empty handed.


    Never had the cashier problem you speak about, but I'm a very occasional visitor.


    The Walmart in Dunkirk is usually license plan B.

  13. The BPS in Grapevine Texas (DFW Metroplex area near the airport) has a great steak restaurant and a brewery. Yup, you read that right, a brewery!!! I've been to it every time I've flown to DFW and I was hoping and praying Vaughan would have the same when it was being built.


    As far as supporting local, I think it is great to support those that support you. All I know is that BPS seems to give a whole lot back to the anglers through conservation and prizing and other stuff. I know I've spent thousands of dollars in other local shops and couldnt even buy a smile at the cash register with a 100 dollar bill taped to my forehead... I've heard their service improved once they were no longer the big boy in town. That's good to hear but way too little to late for me and many others from the stories I've heard.


    I'm not sure what it is about Cabelas that you guys like. The one in Michigan was very very underwhelming for me. Maybe because I don't hunt? One store I really like that is sorta a big box is Gander Mountain near the airport in Buffalo.


    Luckily I never need help or customer service at a tackle shop because I already know everything!!! :)

  14. Check out this rebuttal to the original article.




    Certainly makes you think about it from a different viewpoint. I think pointing the finger of blame at Obama or whomever is the popular thing to do, because of course it has to be somebody else's fault, but in the long run, I totally agree with the Examiner's writer that commercials have a long history of being terrible stewards of the resource and if we allow ourselves to get lumped in with them, then we deserve what we get.

  15. I find I prefer this show. The big one moving to the Convention centre will maybe pump some more life in to it, but I find for a fishing fanatic, this is the better show with better speakers and less of the "sham-wow" / jerky type of booths. Having attended these things for 15 or so years now, it's really kinda same old same old and I haven't bought anything outside of a $7 slice of pizza and pop in years, but it is nice to see a lot of the fellow competitors I otherwise only see on the water during the season.


    Friday is a good day to go as it is a lot less busy than the weekend.

  16. Teething is a temporary thing. He'll be back to his usual self in no time. You ain't a real dad until you've been peed on, pooped on and vomited on. I learned the hard way to not laugh with mouth open when changing a diaper or getting up to close for a kiss on a baby that just ate exactly 1 spoonful more than her belly can hold.


    It's all good. You can sleep when you're dead. You will miss these times in a few years - I know I already miss those days of holding a sleeping baby enjoying the quiet and therapeutic effects therein. I'm already hearing "daddy I can do it myself" a lot and can see myself being completely irrelevant in about a year. :(

  17. I have 5 kids.....mostly in their 40's now and 11 grandkids. The average age for kids in the US to leave home now is 34. If you think teething is bad news, try finding Halloween costumes for your 30 year olds every year.


    lol, u owe me a keyboard Roy.

  18. Bass from Dundas, starting this year in the CBAF there is also going to be a youth division qualifying tournament for anglers aged 11-14 & 15-18. One from each division will get to travel down to the states to compete down there in conjunction with one of the big FLW Tour events which is pretty cool. There is also a club at Conestoga college and many more are popping up at post-secondary institutions across Ontario which also provides more opportunities for young anglers to get involved and for colleges and universities to compete against each other too which is always a fun rivalry and I really wish something like that was around during the 7 years it took me to get a 4 year degree... lol


    Anyways you young guys/gals are the future of the sport so it's something a lot of the more experienced (kind word for grey-haired) club guys are willing to give some time for. The Golden Horseshoe (Hamilton) chapter is providing boaters for the Conestoga college club's events for example - I'll probably be there too as it sounds like fun. Give Rick Weatherill, [email protected] a shout and he will point you in the right direction I'm sure. As a youth member you are eligible to fish the youth event and all the regular events as well. There's I think over 80 events to choose from this season based on the 9 clubs across Ontario. As a CBAF member of any club, you are eligible to fish in any of the other club's events so it really provides a flexible schedule and tremendous number of opportunities - it's like one big giant club. Rick can give you the full schedule and all the details.

  19. You can thank me. 3 winters ago I bought a blower after a ginormous deluge of snow. It snowed again enough to need it just once that season. $1400/ snowfall. Last season it got used a lot as I spent no money preparing for winter. This fall I spent a G-note on winter tires for the wife's vehicle. So of course it's going to be the least snowfall ever. Next year I'll buy winter tires for my truck and give us another snow free winter. You all can thank me by sending cash. All that wasted money adds up! :)

  20. Not really totally related vinnimon but a cautionary tale for all boat owners. My 2nd boat, I had insured for less than full replacement. Figured "what could possibly happen" since I am extremely safe and gentle with all my possessions and yet when something did happen in spite of everything I did, I ended up out of pocket for wanting to save a few (and I mean a few) dollars a month on insurance. Saw it happen also to a young guy this fall. Boat fell apart, but was worried that boat was underinsured as he was trying to keep the premiums down. Saving those few dollars a month will not add up to what it will cost you if you do end up needing that "insurance policy" whether it is theft, fire, vandalism, etc.


    Also, like the guys above say, sounds like you are paying far too much for the amount you have insured.

  21. People are saying to wait for the boat show and to buy new. Asking why the rush? Here's a couple thoughts:


    1) People are selling boats now because they don't want to store for the winter or are in desperate financial straits. Now is the time to take advantage of them - as crass as that may sound. It's a negotiation, you want every tool at your disposal to get the price down. A couple thousand can buy a lot of goodies for the boat.


    2) Buy new? NEVER. I will let someone else take that first and biggest depreciation hit. I have nothing against the boat dealers or used boat sellers of Ontario/Canada, but I always buy south because I'm not a rich enough person to be spending $25K for convenience when I can get it for $20K by making a road trip. The dollar is strong enough now to make it a no brainer. The variety and number of used boats in the states also fosters price competition, offers colour/motor/feature selection and thus you are better able to "shop around" in the comfort of your office chair.


    3) Boat show deals. Are there some decent deals available? Yes. Do they take advantage of the fact that DEMAND is at a peak during the show while supply remains relatively stable? Yes. They count on the emotion of you seeing a bunch of other people looking at "your" potential boat and hope it will be a mitigating factor in your signing on the dotted line. It is a good place to go and look at a bunch of different models and such, but if you know what you are looking for, I don't think it is the best bet.


    Just my personal opinions from having been in the boat market 4-5 times in the past decade.


    As far as the boat listed on this thread, I'd pass on it. Much better deals to be had.


    Also, not saying it's the case for bigred, but some people cannot get a passport and some people just don't want or need one. For me, it's a necessity for the NY bass season, but I'd also say it is worth it for a one-time trip to pick up a boat. Grab a buddy, make a weekend fishing trip out of it. You get good times and save a bundle on a boat.


    The best boat shopping/browsing site I've found is boattraderonline.com

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