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Posts posted by Rizzo

  1. I also don't believe fish feel pain (at least not in their mouth). If they did, they would only eat soft things not spiny fish or crustaceans. Imagine putting a spiny perch in your mouth and chomping down on a dorsal fin, or a catfish and getting one of those spines in the roof of your mouth...you would never eat a perch or a catfish again. And of course we know that doesn't happen. I believe fish fight because they are being pulled in a direction against their will, not because of pain. If you stop pulling the fish stops fighting. Seen lots of fish just sit quietly in one spot if you stop reeling.

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  2. oh wow that beats the rubbermaid container with aerator that I keep in my garage all winter! Every 10 days or so I dump all the water and get 8 buckets from the local river...that is my filtration system. If my pool cover hasn't frozen over then I don't have to drive to the creek, I just get a few buckets off the top of the cover! Not a fancy system but does the job

  3. man I used to love fishing Balsam, was my go to lake for musky. Once we started to catch more pike than musky I moved on to other waters. The pike were a good size in there too. I caught some pike in South Bay 10 years ago that were pushing 40 inches.

  4. 3 hours ago, misfish said:

    Have not had to use a winch in about 8+ years now. Just pull the float boat up,deflate,roll and well,Bob,maybe Jay or Bill,is your uncle.


    You could of asked,and I would of bought and shipped,,,,,,,,,

    kind of you to offer but looks like I have it figured out!

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  5. Thanks guys. I have been looking on line and found a "Camco 50000" winch on Amazon which has good reviews. Some of the pictures seem to show the same bolt pattern that I had on last winch...a bolt sized hole in one spot, and then a bit of a slot where the other bolt goes (allowing for a bit of flexibility of spacing). That is probably what I will do since I don't have  a Princess Auto nearby. Had a look at some at Cdn Tire but they had poor reviews. The dirt cheap price didn't instill confidence either. 

  6. Took the boat out for the first time of the season yesterday...good news and bad. Boat worked great as it always has since I owned it,  but when winching it up the last few feet on the trailer the winch stopped working. It was like the gears got stripped or something. Today I pulled the winch mount off...it was secured with 2 bolts. Do replacement winches usually have a universal bolt pattern? 

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  7. On 2/6/2024 at 10:06 PM, BillM said:

    Yeah, we've had a few days of winter and that's about it.  I'm sure we're going to pay for it come late March/April when mother nature will show us the winter we were supposed to have.

    I agree. It feels to me the past few years winters have stretched well into April. This winter has been pretty gentle, wouldn't be surprised one bit if April is colder than normal

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