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Everything posted by Bigfish

  1. Cool pics!
  2. Segar, very smooth, and easy to cast. Expensive but I feel its worth it.
  3. Great feedback thanks!
  4. A little Shake N Bake! LOL!
  5. I will raise my kids with a competive and winning attitude, I want them to be the best! This is a big probelem today kids are not competive enough! Maybe this a reflection of one's upbring but that's the way I have been raised, and I would like to think that this attitude makes me who I am today! Its very competitve out in the real world, don't make them affraid of competion you should embrass it!
  6. Fisherman that topic came up last night in a meeting. Unfortunelty Bass boats aren' the only one's, what about the jet skiers roaring up and down the lake. Fisheman everyone has different reasons, hobbies, and recreational activities. We should all respect eveyone right to do enjoy by there own means espically on a public lake that know one owns. Just because you have a cottage on a lake surely doesn't mean you own the lake. It works both ways, I have no problem with the roaring jet ski's they have the right to be on the lake just as much as I do, or anyone else for that matter. Voicing your hate to those idiots with 200 HP boats, doesn't justify you not get bite my friend. If you think for one minute that you know it all, and blame the raoring bass boats, your not catching fish maybe you should educate yourself a little more. I have a cottage on Couch, its a busy lake with tons of boat traffic, and jet skiers. The boat traffic and the waves they create actually help the fishing becasue it stirs up the bottom and bait fish begin to feed on the hiding craws, minnows, planqton, etc. Try fishing those stired up area's you might be surprised!
  7. This questions pops in my head continuously since I am a competive tournament angler that supports two major tournament series and dierctor of a bass club. My conclusion is that the focus should be towards the new anglers that like to fish but don't have the means to learn or to be showen the ropes. The sport needs new blood, are we taking the right steps and attitude to attrack these new anglers? Attitude is everything, even just a smile, it makes people feel welcome. Attending different bass clubs and oragnizations I can see how attitude makes a club or organization grow or stunt its growth. Building a solid foundation of new anglers is to me the only way keep the sport alive and continue its growth. Without a solid foundation, the house will fall down, thus the sport will never grow. We MUST realize that we are in Canada folks there is no demand, and are market is small. Taking a look at our market in Canada the support leans towards a one day series in a small HP boat! I have a hard time coming to terms with it myself but it is the truth unfortunetly. We sometimes forget about the little people that's Ok because it human nature. I would like to know how others feel about this subject and would appreaciate any imput on how to create a demand in the sport fishing?
  8. I had a blast, the BBQ was the deal! The sausages hit the spot! I can't wait for the pizza, calamari, and cold cut platers! I am get hungry already! Frank Adamo
  9. Congrats to my pal Mark Kulik! Definetly well deserved! Can't wait to stylen in the new wrap!
  10. Well, I have always liked the show because I am a fishing nut! Tons of tackle, and some interseting new products. I feel the show has gone down in attendance than in past years. Sure BPS has affected the show, but if your a true fishing nut you know that BPS don't have everything. I am always looking for new lures and soft plastic that are not available to the general public. There are lots of new baits at the show. Check out the "Slammers" made by Strikezone , there a awesome drop shot bait! If you love smallies on simcoe these baits are deadly! So did anyone see any new baits or products that I should know about?
  11. Chris, I will be bringing 200 spiduch for the BBQ on sunday. I'll make sure I don't forget the sea salt, mmmm! My mouth is watering already!
  12. Nice EYE"S! The night bite can be awesome. Keep hammering those Eye's!
  13. I'll be on the BBQ, can't wait, its gona feel like summer! Ya Right!lol!
  14. That walleye was 14lbs, the biggest one of the year was 17lbs. There is some real hoggs in that lake! Clampet I am not much of a meat hunter myself, I much rather enjoy the fight of the fish and release them back into the lake. But those walleye sure do taste good! And not to mention the Perch and crappie they are my favorite! When's the fish fry?
  15. Here a pic from late December 2006 walleye fishing on The Bay! So how was the year for the walleye guy's?
  16. The wesite is under construction, it will be up soon. The Classic is free. You must be a member, and fish four Bass events to be eligable to fish our FREE Classic " The Royal Rumble on Rice". If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 416 654 1022 or Sandy Figliomeni at 647 203 2974 , we will be more than gald to help. Frank
  17. MEGA CITY TOURNAMENT TRAIL MEGA CITY BASS CLUB TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE CLUB FUN EVENTS April 29th Perch Lake Simcoe Sibbald Point Provincial Park May 6th Crappie Lake Scugog Port Perry Boat Launch May 20th Pike Lake Muskoka June 3rd Walleye Lake Sturgeon CLUB BASS QUALIFIERS June 23rd Bass Six Mile Lake Six Mile Provincial Park July 8th Bass Lake Muskoka July 29th Bass Gloucester Pool Aug 12th Bass Sparrow Lake Lauderdale Resort Sept 2nd Bass Kahshe Lake Sept 16th Bass Simcoe/Couch Oct 14th Bass Rice Lake Harrisons Boat Launch TOURNAMENTS Entries: Boater/Non-Boater format (see page attached) Entries must be paid in full one month prior to tournament date. Draws will be made on Monday (week of event). If a member cannot attend an event, they must notify an executive member no later than 7 days prior to the event, after which entry fee will not be refundable. Qualifying events: to qualify for AOY, members must compete in no less than 4 of 7 events. Angler of the year will be awarded to the angler with the best score (point system) - Boater & non-boater. Tournaments will be run as team events (boater & non boater) with each competing for prize money from their respective prize pool. (see tournament page for payout schedule) No live bait shall be used in tournaments. Artificial lures only. Teams will be fishing for a 5 bass limit, highest total weight wins. Bass qualifier tournaments will take place from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm (daylight permitting) Life jackets must be worn at all times when engine is running, boater must have kill switch attached to PFD. Must be a member to fish the tournament trail or fun events. INSURANCE ***All Boaters must provide proof of insurance - $1,000,000.00 liability min.*** All paid members of Mega-City Bass Anglers will be personally covered for 1 million dollars of liability insurance through their OFAH membership. Mega-City Bass anglers will also be covered for an additional 3 million dollars of liability insurance with a min. of 26 members. Mega City Bass Anglers Payout structure ***All tournaments are 90% payback Boaters & non-boaters will fish for monies from their respective pools. Eg: based on 15 boats Quote: Boaters 15 x $125 = $1,875.00 less 10% club cut Big Fish Pool - $75.00 Purse $1,612.50 1st $806.25 2nd $403.10 3rd $242.00 4th $161.00 Quote: Non-Boaters 15 x $75 - $1,125.00 less 10% club cut Big Fish Pool - $75.00 Purse $937.50 1st $468.75 2nd $234.35 3rd $140.00 4th $93.75 All tournaments will be fished as "TEAM" events $5 for each entry fee will be put forth to a "Big Fish Pool" - heaviest fish of the day. In the case of a tie, the prize will be split evenly. AOY- Boater/Non Boater: AOY will be determined by the anglers with lowest point total. Eg: 1st place receives 1 point, 6th place receives 6 points. If anglers fail to weigh in, they will be awarded points based on their final standing (12 boat field, 2 boats do not weigh in, 11 points will be awarded to these two teams. The prize for each AOY ( boater & non boater) shall be a min. of $450.00. *****Non-Boaters are required to pay $40 for fuel expenses, due at time of registration, and passed on to boater, no exceptions. MEGA CITY BASS ANGLERS
  18. MEETINGS Date:Meetings will be scheduled for the first MONDAY of every month (excluding long weekends & holidays). Location: DESSERTS PLUS PH: 905-265-1090 8611 Weston Rd. ( just north of Langstaff Rd.) - Upstairs, $10 per meeting includes finger foods (Beverages will be cash bar) *** $10 per meeting covers costs or room & food based on 15-20 persons. All extra monies will go into club kitty and funds will be used for club activities and expenses. Agendas: 1) Meetings will commence with a brief account of financials, new member registry, & announcements 2) Gust speakers: each month Mega-City Bass Anglers will have guest speakers conducting lectures, demonstrations, and informative discussions related to bass fishing, equipment, tackle, etc. 3) Club discussions on upcoming events & tournaments 4) Open Forum: floor open to club members Club Info Inaugural Fee Breakdown: $30.55 OFAH Membership $140.00 Promotional Items - Hats, Tournament Shirts, Medals, Trophies ID Cards, AOY Cash Prize $54.45 Club kitty - Administrative costs, equipment purchases, Total $225.00 ***Memberships can be paid via cash and/or cheque*** Membership Renewal: $225.00 Annually Members of Mega-City Bass Anglers will receive a membership card. The card will display your ID number and membership expiry date. Mega City Bass Anglers CONTACT INFO: Frank Adamo - [email protected] Sandy Figliomeni - [email protected] SUMMARY With all the NON-STOP commotion over the last month or so, I think we need to summarize all the great promotions & events that Mega-City has created for its members! Here's a break down of what MEGA-CITY Bass Anglers club is all about: Membership: $225 annually - includes Mega-City Tournament Shirt, Spring Jacket & ball cap as well as OFAH membership & subscription. 4 fun tournaments, perch, crappie, walleye & pike, six bas qaulifying tournaments, 5 of which have a $1,000.00 bonus per event & a FREE CLASSIC which is a $5000.00 purse & climbing, $500.00 bonus for the heaviest bag of the year (Streek Financial), $500.00 bonus for heaviest bass of the year (SUTTON GROUP ADMIRAL REALTY) prize giveaways (rods, reels, Leaf Tickets), guest speakers at club meetings, discounted tackle for members (Fish Ontario Live Bait & Tackle), discounted boat motor service & parts(Xtreme Marine). WOW!!!!! With a bare minimum of 20 boat fileds this year, our tournament prize pool would be in excess of $30,000.00!!!!! Whew!..... Did I get everything???? And its only February! What are you waiting for????
  19. The BIG NEWS you've all been waiting for... 2007 MEGA-CITY Bass Anglers Tournament Payouts $5,000.00 GUARANTEED PURSE FOR FIVE BASS QUALIFIERS: LAKE MUSKOKA - $4,000.00 + $1,000.00 Bonus GLOUCESTER POOL - $4,000.00 + $1,000.00 Bonus SPARROW LAKE - $4,000.00 + $1,000.00 Bonus KAHSHE LAKE - $4,000.00 + $1,000.00 Bonus SIMCOE/COUCH - $4,000.00 + $1,000.00 Bonus ***Based on 20 Boat Field*** 20 Boats x $200.00 = $4,000.00 (Boater Non-Boater Format) SPONSORSHIP DONATION = $1,000.00 GUARANTEED!!!!! ...and just when you thought we were through... BAM!!!!!!! October 14, 2007, MEGA-CITY Bass Anglers PRESENT... ROYAL RUMBLE ON RICE...THE CLASSIC!!!! Did we mention that it's ..........FREE!!! $5000.00 guaranteed purse & climbing... To qualify, you must be a registered member of Mega-City Bass Anglers by April 2, 2007. Members must fish a min. of four bass qualifiers to fish our FREE Classic!! Every member makes the classic.
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