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Posts posted by i2cool2fool

  1. As mentioned you can NOT go wrong stopping at North Erie Marina for minnows...

    $5 for a scoop of minnows and it would be difficult to find better customer service anywhere. I can't wait for Saturday to arrive so I can go launch there. Greg and gang have a great operation.

  2. For what it is worth....


    I had a similar issue with my Eagle FF. My issue was the pins on the back of the FF where bent and not all were making proper contact when I plugged in the cable. After noticing and some adjustments, my issue went away (until the pins bent again - cheap/poor design). Best of luck. Hopefully you issue is not a big or difficult one to resolve.

  3. Huge market. Turtles (Snappers and painted) and bull frogs.


    If you run into a rope tied off to wood or brush with a big siwash hook on the end of it. It is a turtle poacher rig. Only reason I know this is I found some in the back of a Kawartha bay once in the spring. Yellow nylon rope painted black.


    Bring in big money in certain markets.

    Another great reason to carry a pocket knife...

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